Chapter 19

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The next morning, you got up and showered and put on a pair of black high waist pants and a see through flowy pink spaghetti strap top with a black bralette and a pair of black wedge heels. You flat ironed your hair and did a simple winged eyeliner with lip stain that matches your shirt. 

You were applying your lip stain when you felt 2 hands on your waist and kisses on the right side of your neck. You smiled and put your lip stain down and turned around and wrapped your arms around Colby's neck. He bent down to kiss you and you leaned away from him. "No, no! Lips are still wet". You laughed as he rolled his eyes and he kissed your forehead. He was in his sweatpants and his hair was a mess. You wanted to get to the arena early so you could get your group's hair and makeup done before Colby's match. He didn't have to be there until 2 hours before it started. "I just wanna kiss you". You smiled and grabbed your purse and phone and headed for the door and saw Colby sitting on the bed watching TV. You stopped in front of the door and put your things down and walked over to him and straddled his waist and kissed him. You felt his hands slide up your sides and rest under your shirt beside your breasts. You pulled back and smiled "I'll reapply if I need to". You kissed him a couple of more times and his hands found their way to your ass. "Are you sure you have to go now? I don't care if you can't watch my match". You smiled and kissed him again and walked over to the door and picked up your purse and phone and walked back over and pecked him on the lips. "We can continue that after Mania". He smiled and kissed you again and you headed off for the arena.

At the arena, you got straight to work and before you knew it, it was almost time for WrestleMania. You finished your last makeup/hair look and went into catering and saw Colby sitting at a table with Jon. You walked over and sat on Colby's right side and he put his hand on your thigh. You and Colby sat and talked with Jon and he had to leave to get ready for his match. Colby was already in his ring gear. "You know I love you, right?". You smiled and kissed him. "I know. I love you too". The two of you sat there talking about wedding details and then it was time for Colby's match. You walked over to gorilla with your left hand in his right and he wet his hair and took a sip from his water bottle and handed it to you. He was waiting for his music to hit and you kissed him. "Good luck, babe". He smiled and thanked you and kissed you again and his music hit. He walked out and went down to the ring.

1.... 2.... 3.... COLBY WON HIS MATCH!! You smiled widely as you saw the match end and watched Colby celebrate in the ring. After he was done, he walked back up the ramp and through the curtain and went straight to you and wrapped you in a hug and kissed you. You didn't care that he was sweaty and gross. You were just happy that he was back and happy again. 

After Mania was over, the two of you quickly got your things together and headed back to the hotel room.

The next morning, you woke up sore. You rolled over and saw Colby still asleep. You got up and put your panties back on and Colby's shirt and went into the bathroom. When you came out, you saw Colby propped up on his left side and waiting for you. "Morning, Cole" "Morning". You walked over and straddled him and kissed him. You got up and started brushing your hair so you could shower. Colby walked up behind you and put his hands on your waist. "Let me see" "What are you -" "Show me your thighs". You and Colby had gone a little bit rougher last night than you normally do. You had scratches on your thighs and back and your thighs were bruised all to Hell. You sat on the bed and spread your leg out to the side to show him. He laughed a little and kissed you and put on a pair of workout shorts and threw on a T-Shirt and put on his sneakers. "Are you going to the gym with me?" "Might as well". You got up and put on a pair of workout leggings and a workout tank top and your sneakers. You put your hair up in a ponytail and put your engagement ring in it's box and put it in your suitcase and the two of you made your way down to the gym.

After your workout, you showered together and got ready to head to the arena. You put on a pair of skinny jeans and a Seth Rollins T-Shirt and a pair of sandals. You wanted to wear shorts and a tank top, but you didn't want people thinking Colby beat you. You let your hair air dry and did a simple winged eyeliner and mascara and left it at that. Colby slid on dark denim jeans and a WWE Performance Center T-Shirt and sneakers and you slid your ring back on and the two of you headed out for Monday Night RAW. You did your normal routine and finished right as Colby was cutting a promo so you went straight to catering and got a turkey sandwich and potato chips and a bottle of water. You were eating alone when Nikki walked over and sat in front of you. The two of you talked about the wedding when Colby went running by to head to gorilla. You waved as he glanced over and thought he didn't see you, but he walked backwards until he could see you again and yelled your name. "I LOVE YOU!", he yelled and ran off to gorilla.

"He's crazy about you. I'm glad you too are getting married. Do you have any ideas on bridesmaids?" "I was actually wanting to talk to you and Brie about that.. Would you guys wanna be my bridesmaids? My sister is my maid of honor" "We would love to! I'll go find Brie". She went off to tell Brie and you looked at the time. You went back over and packed up your things and waited on Colby to get done.

After RAW, the two of you headed back to the hotel and packed your things and slept before your 6 AM flight back to Davenport. You and Colby pretty much had everything planned, but you had to make a bunch of phone calls and head out to Colorado for cake tasting.

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