Chapter 32

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On Hall of Fame night, you and Colby got ready (in the outfits posted before this chapter) and dressed Elijah in his little suit. You did your hair and makeup and made your way to the arena for the ceremony. Your dress was fitted to show off your bump and you started feeling self conscious the second you walked into the arena. 

You held Colby's left hand and he held Elijah's hand with his other and guided him down the red carpet to Cathy Kelley. Once he was in front Cathy, he picked Elijah up and held him in his left arm and held your left hand in his right and the interview started.

Cathy: Everyone, please welcome WWE Superstar Seth Rollins and his beautiful family
Colby: Thanks for having me
Cathy: You all look amazing tonight, especially little Elijah. He's adorable. Jessica, you look stunning. I'm honestly surprised to see you here!
You: Thank You
Cathy: I'm so happy for you two to be welcoming a baby girl! When is she due?
Colby: The week after my birthday. We're excited. It was originally the week before, but we did a 4D ultrasound and she wasn't as far along as they originally thought
Cathy: Have you guys decided on a name?
Colby: *Looks at you and smiles* No, not yet. We've thrown a couple of names around, but nothing's set in stone
Cathy: Well, Cathy is a wonderful name, if I do say so myself
Colby: *you all laugh* We'll consider it
Cathy: So, is Elijah here gonna be staying for the ceremony or is he staying backstage?
Colby: He's gonna stay backstage with Jess's sister and my mom
Cathy: He's precious!

The interview went on with questions about how Colby expected WrestleMania to go and you and Colby stepped off to the side and gave Elijah to his mom and made your way to your seats. You sat on Colby's left side on the aisle and rested your hands on your belly (your left hand under your belly button and your right on top of it) and Colby rested his hand on your knee.

After the ceremony, you and Colby took Elijah back to the hotel room and changed (you into leggings and a baggy white T-Shirt and sneakers and Colby put on basketball shorts and a T-Shirt and sneakers) and you took your makeup off and the two of you took Elijah to your sister's room and went out for a late dinner.

You had been craving cheeseburgers, so Colby drove to the nearest McDonald's and went inside. You sat at the table as Colby ordered and got your drinks (you got a Dr.Pepper and Colby got water) and sat down. The two of you talked about baby names until your name was called and Colby went and got your food and the two of you sat and ate and talked.

"So, how's the salon?", Colby asked. "It's great! My last day was Tuesday. Maternity leave is weird" *Colby laughs* "I miss you guys while I'm on the road. I normally work and go to the gym and go back to my room. I can't wait for my birthday week". You smiled at the thought of RAW being in Davenport the week of his birthday. He'd get in on Saturday, do RAW, have interviews Tuesday morning, and have Wednesday and Thursday off and leave on Saturday. "We miss you too. Eli sleeps with his Seth Rollins plush toy every night" *Colby smiles* "You know... I've been thinking about retiring.. Focus more on Black and Brave and my coffee shop and be home" *You sat your burger down and looked at him as he took a bite* "You what?" "I hate being away from you guys. I watch the videos you send me of you and Eli on Marco Polo and it just makes me sad. I hate being away from you guys. Don't get me wrong, I love getting those videos.. I just wish I was seeing it all in person". You reached across the table and held his left hand in your right and smiled weakly at him.

Colby had been there for Elijah's first steps and first laugh, but he missed the first time he talked and he said "Mama" and you recorded it and sent it to Colby.

"Colby, I want you to be happy. I know you're more happy when you're home, but are you really ready to retire? You still have a few more years left" "I'm sure. I've been talking to Joe and he thinks I should" "As long as it's something you're sure of. I can't wait to have you home all the time". He smiled and you went back to your meal and got a milkshake and headed back to the hotel and went to bed. Your sister told you to just let Elijah spend the night in her room, so you and Colby had the room to yourself.

You crawled into bed and faced the wall and Colby slid in behind you and kissed your neck and wrapped his arm over you and rubbed your belly as you went to sleep.

The next afternoon, you got dressed (a pair of maternity jeans and an off the shoulder sweater and slide on sandals. Elijah wore a pair of grey sweats and a Seth Rollins shirt) and headed for the airport. Colby walked the two of you as far as he could and kissed the two of you goodbye. He watched you disappear through the crowd and you boarded your flight. As soon as you were on the plane, you took a selfie of you and Eli and made sure your bump was in it and posted it to social media saying "Just left from an amazing night at the WWE Hall of Fame with my little family. I know we were just with him, but we all 3 miss @wwerollins already! We love you, babe. Come home soon *heart emoji*".

Once you and Eli got home, you fixed him lunch and put him down for a nap and took a shower. Around 6, you and Elijah had dinner and watched SpongeBob until 8 and you put Elijah to bed and went to bed yourself. You were half laying and half sitting on the bed scrolling through Instagram when you saw a video of Colby in the gym with Joe and Fergal (Finn Balor) and he was talking about the workout they were doing and as soon as Colby started talking, the baby kicked. You smiled and pulled out your iPad and recorded a video of the Instagram playing and your belly moving and sent it to Colby.

He responded with "My baby girl! I love and miss you guys so much. Give Eli kisses for me *pink heart and blue heart emojis*".

You refreshed your Instagram feed and saw that Colby posted the video you sent him saying "I miss my wife and son and unborn daughter so damn much. I can't wait to be home next month! I love you all. See you soon, @jesslopez ." and you smiled and liked it and commented "We love and miss you too!".

You plugged your phone in and went to sleep.

The next morning, you and Eli went to the zoo and were currently sitting in the air conditioned café eating ice cream when Colby called on FaceTime. "Eli, look! Daddy's calling!". Elijah's face lit up and crawled onto your lap as you answered the phone. 

You: Hey!
Colby: Hey, babe. Hey Eli! I miss you guys!
Eli: I miss you daddy!
You: I miss you too, babe
Colby: Where are you guys?
You: The zoo! Eli and mommy date
Colby: Eli, are you having fun, buddy?
Eli: Yes! I saw monkeys and ell fints (elephants) and tigers!
Colby: You did? That's so cool!
Eli: Yeah! Mommy got me ice cream!
Colby: That's awesome, buddy. I'm glad you're having fun
You: He's having a ton of fun. I'm miserable, but we're having fun
Colby: I love you guys. Call me later?
You: Will do. We miss you
Colby: I miss you too. I love you
You: I love you too

You hung up and you and Elijah visited the arctic section and rode the merry go round and headed home. Colby would be home the following week for his birthday week and you and Elijah were both excited.

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