Chapter 26

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The next couple of weeks flew by quicker than you expected and you were back in Davenport for your 10 week appointment. You wore your capris leggings and a flowy grey T-Shirt and a pair of sneakers and Colby had on his usual joggers and a Black and Brave T-Shirt. 

The doctor's appointment went by perfectly and you got to see your baby again. You got another ultrasound picture and headed for the car. Once you were inside, you pulled your phone out and held the ultrasound picture up and you and Colby both made excited expressions and you snapped the picture. You took another one in the same position, only you were both smiling from ear to ear. You took a selfie of just you smiling and holding the ultrasound picture and posted it to your social media saying "I'm pregnant! @wwerollins and I couldn't be more excited. We can't wait to meet you, Baby Lopez. I love you, Colby". He posted the same 2 pictures and one of just him holding the ultrasound picture with a shocked expression on his face and posted it to his accounts saying "It's official! @jesslopez is pregnant! I've been dreaming of starting a family with Jess since the first 'I love you' and that dream is FINALLY a reality! I love you, Jessica. I can't wait to meet him/her".

The two of you headed back home and got ready to leave for Monday Night RAW.

Since you announced the pregnancy, Stephanie had a talk with Vince and you were strictly on Monday Night RAW. No more travelling to SmackDown and all over the place. You and Colby were free to take off whenever you needed to for doctor's appointments. Colby planned on being at a lot of them, but knew he wouldn't be able to attend them all. 

The outpouring of love and support from the WWE Universe was unbelievable. You couldn't believe at how excited a lot of them were. Your coworkers and other superstars were excited as well. RAW was in Los Angeles and Colby had an interview with Ellen that morning. You were sitting in the hotel room watching it on the TV (morning sickness and sleepless nights were kicking your ass).

Colby walked out in a pair of suit pants and a black button down shirt tucked in with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and a black tie and his hair pulled back in a bun. You didn't know if it was the hormones or what, but all you could think about was how amazing he looked and how bad you wanted to rip his clothes off. He sat down in the guest chair and the interview started.

Ellen: It's always nice when WWE Superstars come by. As most of you know, my wife and I are big fans and Seth Rollins here is probably one of our favorites *crowd cheers*. So, Seth, you're Universal Champion, coming up on your 2 year wedding anniversary, and are expecting a baby with your wife, is that correct?
Colby: It's all true
Ellen: When is she due? That's so exciting
Colby: She's due in May.. We're beyond excited about it. I've been waiting for this for a long time
Ellen: I'm happy for you. How did she tell you?
Colby: *Smiles* She uh.. She came up to me in catering with a gift bag and told me to open it. I opened it and pulled out this tiny onesie that said 'Future WWE Superstar' on the front and 'My daddy's the king slayer' on the back. It was amazing
Ellen: King slayer, that's your nickname, right?
Colby: One of them, yes
Ellen: Do you have a picture of the onesie?
Colby: Yes, I do. I sent it to a producer
Ellen: There it is *Everyone coo's at the picture of you and Colby standing in catering (you had your right arm around Colby's lower back and held the onesie with your left hand and he had his left arm around you and held it with his right) kissing as you held the onesie* That's a beautiful photo
Colby: Thank You. It's actually the lock screen on my phone

The interview ended after Colby answered questions about his reign as champion and things like that and Colby came back to the hotel room.

You were in the bathroom wearing a pair of athletic shorts and a tank top holding your hair back throwing up into the toilet when Colby got back. He walked into the bathroom and held your hair as you threw up. You wiped your mouth with toilet paper and flushed the toilet and laid on your back on the cold tile floor. Colby sat down beside your head and gently placed his hand on top of yours that was on your belly. "I'm sorry, babe... Hopefully it'll all be over soon. Let's go to bed" "No. I wanna stay here. It's nice and cold down here". Colby gently lifted your head and scooted to where your head was in his lap and played with your hair as you stared at each other. "You know I love you, right?". You smiled up at him. "I love you too". The two of you sat there quietly (you had your eyes closed) until you didn't feel like puking anymore and you got up and took a shower as Colby changed into a pair of jeans and a Black and Brave T-Shirt. 

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