Chapter 30

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A couple of months later (August), you and Elijah flew out to see Colby at SummerSlam. You caught up with the girls (you quit the WWE and started working at a beauty salon down the street from your house and Colby's mom babysat him while you were at work) and made your way to catering. You fed Eli his baby food and waited for Colby to get ready. You had Eli in a little black T-Shirt with 'My daddy's my favorite superstar' and a pair of jeans and his converse. You pulled him out of the stroller and sat him on your lap and held him as he held his teething ring and chewed on it. 

Colby came over to the two of you in his ring gear and sat down on your left side and took Elijah from you and played with him. You snapped a picture of him with Eli (Eli was facing him grabbing at Colby's beard and they were both smiling) and posted it saying "So so so in love with this man. I couldn't ask for a better daddy for our son. He's an amazing father and I don't know where I'd be without him. I love you, @wwerollins . ". You watched the two of them play and Renee came by and cooed at him and so did Joe. A bunch of Colby's coworkers came by and talked to the two of you and played with Elijah and then it was time for Colby's match.

After the match was over, you and your little family headed to the hotel and went to sleep.

Before you knew it, It was February and Elijah's 1st birthday. You couldn't believe a year had already gone by. You planned on a Paw Patrol themed birthday party and Colby was getting into town just in time to help you get Elijah ready and set everything up.

The birthday party went over perfectly - your parents were in town and they got him a bunch of toys. Joe, his wife and kids, Jon, Renee, all of your friends were there. Everyone had a great time.

You and Colby were sitting on the floor in front of each other about 3 feet apart and Elijah was standing in front of you facing Colby. He had a good grip on your index fingers and Colby was trying to get him to walk to him. He had walked before, but this was something you and Colby always did with him. He finally let go of your fingers and walked wabbly to Colby and Colby held him. "So, Jess.. I've been thinking... How about we try for another baby?" "Seriously? Now?" "Yeah, I mean... We want our kids to be close in age and... I think we're ready". You watched him play with Eli as he talked and you smiled. "I would love to". 

He smiled widely at you and put Elijah in his play pen and kissed you. 

The next day, you and Colby flew out Galveston for your first vacation as a family. 

After you landed in Texas, you headed straight for the rental house and changed into your swimsuits. You had a brand new high waisted swimsuit that you got the week before. The bottoms were high waist and the top was a regular bikini top (like the ones from; check it out!) and Colby put on his black swim trunks and you put Elijah in a Huggies Swimmers diaper and a Harry Potter toddler shirt and a pair of swim trunks and headed down to the beach. 

Colby had set up an umbrella and you put your things down and headed down to the water. Colby held Eli as he walked into the water. He went in knee deep and dragged Eli's feet through the water and Eli giggled. He did it again and Eli laughed. The 3 of you played in the water for a little while and went back to sit underneath the umbrella; you didn't want Elijah getting sunburned. Colby changed his diaper and let him play with his phone.

After your beach day, you headed back and showered and changed clothes and went to bed. The next couple of days were amazing and you were ready to go back home. 

Once you were back home from your vacation, Colby headed out onto the road again and you and Elijah were home alone. 

Colby called you on FaceTime as soon as he landed in the next city.

You: Hey! How was your flight?
Colby: It was great! Slept most of the time. How's Elijah?
You: *Put your phone down and picked Eli up and picked your phone back up* He's good! Just woke up from a nap and your mom's coming over
Colby: Alright, I'll let you go. I love you
You: I love you too. Eli, say bye bye to daddy
Colby: Bye, little man! I'll be home soon

You hung up the phone and changed Elijah into just a diaper and a T-Shirt. You threw his diaper away and heard a knock at the door and you answered it and let Colby's mom in. She sat down on the couch and you sat on her right side with Elijah in your lap.

"I have something for you". Colby's mom reached into her purse and pulled out a baby picture. "What's this?" "Colby's baby picture. Doesn't it look just like Elijah!?". You handed Elijah to her and held it up next to his face and smiled. You took a picture of Elijah smiling at you and then a picture of Colby's baby picture (he was smiling, of course). You posted them side by side on social media and said "Colby's baby picture and a picture of Elijah... Holy crap! I never realized how much they looked alike until now. @wwerollins ". 

You and his mom visited and she played with Elijah. Around 6, she went home and you fed Elijah and changed him into his Paw Patrol pajamas and put him to bed and you went and ate dinner and went to bed yourself. You were almost asleep when your phone went off. FaceTime call from Colby. You quickly sat up and turned the lamp on and answered. 

Colby: Hey! Did I wake you up?
You: No, I was just getting into bed. How was RAW?
Colby: Good. Is Eli asleep yet?
You: Yeah, but hang on

You got up and went into Elijah's bedroom and turned the camera around so Colby could see him. Colby smiled and turned the phone so Joe could see and he smiled at the phone and you quietly left and went back into your bedroom and crawled into bed. 

Colby: Thanks for that, Jess. I miss you guys
You: We miss you too. When are you coming home?
Colby: Sometime next month. Slow month. Are you feeling any better?

You had been feeling sick to your stomach all week and couldn't seem to keep anything down

You: A little better. I think it might be a stomach bug. Elijah wasn't feeling to well yesterday. I think we both caught something
Colby: I'm sorry. I hope you guys feel better soon

You yawned and smiled at him

Colby: I'll let you go back to bed. I love you
You: I love you too. Goodnight
Colby: Goodnight

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