1. The new girl

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Its been 9,9 months without her, without a big part of my life. We've been in contact but its still hard some times. I've been away from a lot of my friends especially 'cause cammie is there, but it time stop avoiding reality and its time to move on. I've been living with my roommates amy, Meghan and jess.

It's been really nice living with them. They asked if i wanted to go with them to the store to buy some beer so we could make a video. Is it weird that everything time we film a video someone ends up getting wasted? I love my friends i wouldn't change them for anything. We're at the store and amy is getting weird ideas like crashing bachelor's night at Rebecca's next week and covering someones car with post-it notes. I just hope it wont be mine.

Everyone is making fun of Amy's ideas but surprisingly they are really good. We bought what we needed and we are heading to the car when amy gets a call and i just hear her side "Hi girl.....I'm good.....We're good they're here with me.....We're at the store.....Yeah we're getting wasteeed.....Yeah we're making a video how did you know.....I know wright its wierd, plus if there's no drinking involved its no fun.....yeah we miss you too..... Really!!!..NO WAY!!! Yaaaaaaayy.....when..... TOMORROW!!! we have alot of catching up to do.....We'll see you then.....Ok byeeee!!.

We're on our way back home and we're convincing amy to tell us who was it and what was all the conversation about. I gave up on the fourth time that i told her to tell us. We're back at the apartment and Meghan hasn't given up but amy got annoyed and told us "it was cari, she's moving to LA, i wanted it to be a surprise but you're toooooo impatient and annoying sometimes" " No way, really!!!" meghan said. "If your kidding we will stop being friends" jess said and i laughed. I didn't want to ruin their happiness but i had a question. Who is cari? "Umm guys who is cari?" We asked. They satyed quiet and just stared at me. "You don't kow who CARI IS!!!" amy said almost jumping on me. "Fletcher?" Meghan asked me. "No, i don't kow who that is that's why im ASKING!. I said letting a small laugh and raised my voice on asking in amys face. Jess just stayed quiet just moving her head. "You'll meet her tomorrow then" amy said.

I'm in bed and I'm still curious about who is cari so i went on Instagram and searched her name. Then i found her. She is so beautiful. I like her eyes, her blond hair is perfect. And i saw that she's a singer. Nobody told me that. So i looked for her songs on YouTube. Her voice is so beautiful. I can't wait to meet my friends friend .

I get up and go to the living room its 11pm and amy is cleaning the apartment and she looks really crazy cause she's never like this. So i go up and ask her what she's doing. "What are you doing? You loke like a crazy person." I tell her. "Well cari is moving and her apartment isn't ready, so she's staying some days here and it needs to be presentable." She says catching her breath and in laughing a little. "I'll help you but you have to tell me who is cari, and calm down your little body won't handle that much." i say she's laughing. She started talking about cari and i don't even know her but im starting to like her. It was 1am and we went to sleep. I hope we get along and by what amy told me she seems nice. I'm slowly falling asleep until I only see black.

It's my first time writing
I hope you guys like it and im going to keep posting new chapters and i hope that this comes out good and hopefully the chapters are longer


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