12. An Eventful week (part 2)

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After going to the movies, we went back home i'm trying to figure out how to talk to sammie, she has become more distant. i don't know if its because of what has happened or is something is wrong at home, but i have to know. every one is in the living room but sam is taking a nap upstairs. so i'm going to check on her. i open the door, she's awake but why didn't she come downstairs. she is fidgeting with her fingers sitting on the bed. "sam.. what are you doing." she just shakes he head no. "sammie.. baby.. tell me whats going on. " i ask her sitting on the bed putting her on my lap. "nothing." she just says looking down. i raise her head with my hand. "baby i know something is wrong..you can tell me anything." i tell her "if i do can you not tell mom anything i tell you." she asks. i appreciate that my daughter is trusting me with something she doesn't want no one else to know. "of course honey, now what is it." " i don't like living with mom." her words come hard. why. "and why don't you like living with her. she's sweet, she loves you and everything." i say trying to make those thoughts go away. " i know, but it's that she always has to leave, and she leaves me with grandma, i want to be with her but she's almost never with me anymore." god thats how she feels, i know how it feels my parents are divorced and its the worst sometimes. but i get why. cam and i aren't together anymore sam has the same problem that i had with my parents. " baby i know how it feels. but you have to tell mom if you want to do something about it." i tell her. " i know . but i don't want to leave her too."she says with watery eyes. " but do you want " i tell her. and she shrugs. normally she would have stopped playing with her fingers if she says everything but she doesn't so. "sam are you sure your telling me everything." i asked her and she shakes her head no. "then what is it what else has happened." she starts crying. "baby.. please don't cry.." i hug her and she does the same. she calmed down and she started speaking. " they didn't go to London to visit momma kara's family." and she cries more. "breath..please baby breath.." she does and calms down a little. "they went to a d-doctor.. to see if she c-could get b-b-better." nor cammie nor kara has said anything to me about anything related to a doctor. "do you know why." i don't know why i keep talking about this it's obviously affecting sam but i need to know. "mommy..is gonna die...she..has..cancer..." tears come out of me immediately. my best friend, i thought we took care of that years ago. before sam was born, cam had anemia the doctor explained if we didn't do anything about it she could get leukemia. We took care of it she was healthy and all she didn't have anything. But i guess life is a bitch. I wipe my tears. I have to stay strong for my daughter. I try comforting her. But she just sobs even more. Everyone came in and looked at us. Cari is caressing her head and I'm crying. Sam soon cries herself to sleep. I lay her on the bed. Everyone went back downstairs. The first one to talk is cari. "Babe what happened." I just cry. she hold me but I'm hurting. My best friend. The mother of my daughter is fighting for her life. Why. She was doing so good. " Babe i need to call cam." I tell her she lets go and nods. I go outside and dial her number it's early over there so they must be sleeping. After a few rings she answers. "Shan is everything okay." She says scared. "Why.. why didn't you tell me." I say and my voice cracked. "What are you talking about." She asked genuinely confused. "Sam told me everything. She told me why you actually went to London.. why didn't you tell me.." i say almost not being able to breathe. "I couldn't..and i didn't even know sam knew.. we never told her.." she says and i can here kara comforting her. "How.. if you didn't have anything." I said still crying. " The doctor told me that it could of happened when i gave birth.. since i had it before sam... But I'm glad that i got it.."she says. "how can you say that.. your dying and y-." She cuts me off. "shannon...sam could of had it." I don't say a word...My baby could be dying fighting for her life right now but still, cam has it. "Cam.. I..I cam how severe is it.. what did they tell you." She starts crying even more and I'm breaking. "It's terminal." She says. I literally can't breathe. " Cam.. I-I don't know what to do or say..how much time did the doctor say." I asked but no answer. But kara speaks crying. "They told us that the least is two weeks." She says. "I'll call you back kara I'm sorry." I say. "Don't worry we'll wait." She says and i hang up. I throw my phone at the wall. "NO!!" I yell everyone comes out and come to me. "WHY!!" I yell again and cari comes to me. She hugs me and i hug her really tigh. "Why.. why couldn't it be me." I cry. "What happened shannon."she asked me. "Cam..cammie..she's.. she's dying..she...has cancer." I barely said. She hugs me tigher. "Sam could be too." I wisper. She looks at me. "What." "Cam has cancer and thanks to her sam doesn't." I says and she got what I said. My mom is crying with Casey, stevie is crying in Ally's shoulder wiping her tears. I pull away from Cari's hold. "We'll not talk about this in front of sam okay." I say. "She's the one who told me but she doesn't know anything else and we're keeping it like that." They all nod. And fix themselves. We go back inside. And see Sam walikng down the stairs next to Papi. She looks at me and runs to me i pick her up and leave her in my arms. She's hugging me. Everyone gives me a sorry look while sam starts crying in my neck. "Shhh... Lets not cry anymore we need to be strong for mom okay." I say and she looks up and nods. I wipe her tears and give her a kiss. She hugs me. "Don't worry baby everything is gonna be okay. I'm here for you.. everyone is.." i tell her making circles on her back. "I love you Mommy." She says. A tear falls on my face. "I love you too." I say.

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