2. New life

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Its my last day in New Jersey and and im so happy that my career has been the best thing that has ever happened to me i mean who wouldn't want to yave the opportunity to preform in the music industry. Im at my house packing my stuff so i won't be stressed later and i want to be able to say goodbye to everyone before I go to LA.

I'm calling amy to ask her if i could stay some days in her apartment while my apartment is ready.


Amy:Hi girl

Me:hai amy how are you

Amy: I'm good

Me: how's everyone doing

Amy: they're good they're with me

Me:where are guys at

Amy: we're at the store

Me:buying some drinks aren't you

Amy:yeah we're getting wasteeed

Me:you guys are gonna film a video

Amy:yeah we're making a video how did you know

Me: you only buy drinks when you're making a video or your having a party and it's sometimes wierd that you get wasted making a video for mostly teens
amy's laughing

Amy: I know wright its wierd but if there's no drinking involved it's no fun

Me:i know, and i miss you guys

Amy: yeah we miss you too

Me:but very soon ill be in LA and I'll be living there too


Me: yeahh

Amy:NO WAY!!!

Me :yes way

Amy: yaaaaaaay

Me: im so excited to move lo LA


Me: tomorrow


me: yeah

Amy: We have alot of catching up to do

Me: I know wright i can't wait to see you guys I'll see you tomorrow

Amy: we'll see you then

Me:but I wanted to ask if i could stay with you guys while my apartment is ready

Amy: ok

Me: thank you amy bye


Well that went better than I thought, I thought that I had to ask someone else or stay in Jersey until the apartment is ready.
It's 1 pm and im ready and I'm going to shower and get ready to go and say goodbye to my friends and family. I get out of the shower and get ready . I heard my front door open and look down stairs and it was my parents. My parents are so supportive i couldn't have done this without them. After an hour my parents left but all my friends came, better for me. we're talking in the living room. it's 5pm my flight is at 10 everyone starts saying goodbye and leaving.

My friend alex will be my roommate in LA but she already left yesterday so she can make sure when the apartment is ready and she is staying with her boyfriend so im alone for now. I go to sleep until it's time to head to the airport.

I wake up and its 9pm. I get up really quick and get in a taxi. I'm at the airport and barely made it to my flight. I put on my headphones and slowly fall asleep again. Im dreaming and i see a girl waiting in a car and hear i hear my name i stand up and look at her but she's facing the other side I try Saying something and she turns aroundto see my but when she turns i wake up. I wonder why i keep having this dream. Ive been having the same dream like a month now and i think i might be going crazy. I see my phone and its 8 am we land around 9 so i just enjoy the flight. We land and i call amy. But she didn't answer i called her again this time she answered but it wasn't amy. "Hello" she says "hi, umm could you tell amy that im waiting for her at the airport".i tell her."Sure, but she's still sleeping, she had left her phone in the living room, umm if you want i could pick you up". She offered.she's so sweet and her voice is so beautiful i cant say no.
"If you dont mind" i tell her. "No problem, im finally gonna meet the girl that my roommates can't stop talking about." She laughs. Her laugh its the cutest thing ever. I laugh. "Do they really talk about me."i ask."yeah but just good stuff don't worry." "They better."we laugh "whell i better get going then."she says. "O ok I'll see you then bye."i say"Bye".

Why am i so dumb i should have asked for her name now i don't know who's coming to get me how stupid am I. Now I'm just have to wait and see.

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