3. I Think I Like Her

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I woke up to an annoying sound. I hate when i forget to close my door. The sound is gone, i hear it again and i hear a phone i huried to get it cause what if it's important. Its Amy's phone and cari was calling so i answered.

Me: hello..

Cari: ...hi... Um could you tell amy that im waiting for her at the airport.

Me: sure, but she's still sleeping, she left her phone in the living room...if you wanti could pick you up.

Cari: if you don't mind

Me: no problem im finally gonna meet the girl that my roommates can't stop talking about

Why did i say that im so dumb

Cari: do they really talk about me

Me: yeah, but just good stuff don't worry

Cari: They better

She laughs and i laugh too, i like her laugh it's so cute

Me: Well i better get going then

Cari: o ok see you then bye

Me: bye

She seems nice I'm smiling and jess comes out. "Why are you smiling like that" she asks."um nothing...I'm gonna pick cari up from the airport" i tell her and she puts this face like if she was trying to figure something out. I go to my room and i put on my merch, jeans and my converse. I put on some perfume so she wont notice that the didn't shower and hurry to my car and head to the airport. One hour later im at the airport and once im there i forgot to get Cari's number just in case i don't find her, im so stupid.

Not long after i see cari sitting on a bench and i call her, but i hear a of my friends call me and turn around and greet her o turn around and see cari again she's more beautiful in person and we stare at each other for a moment and call her to get in. I help her put her luggage in the trunk and she thanked me and we head to the apartment.

It was quiet and i decide to start a conversation "um hey" i say "hey...um... when we were on the phone i forgot to get your name." she says , why didn't i introduce myself before we got in the car.
"Sorry, im Shannon, Shannon Beveridge and i already know who you are thanks to amy, meghan and jess "we laugh, i love her laugh i can hear it all day. We start to get bord and a tell her that she can put on music and hand her the aux cord and she put issues and she starts singing her voice is so beautiful i dont want this to ever end.

We finally got to the apartment i helped cari with her luggage and once i opened the door we hear amy yelling."why didn't anyone tell me that cari called, why didn't you guys wake me up, she's still at the airport waiting and nobody cares, where's shannon i need someone else to yell at." We laugh at the last thing that amy said and amy See's us and she gets so excited when she see's cari and she jumped on her and we all laughed Meghan and Jess also greeted cari, they seem so happy, I can tell how important cari is to them.

We've been hanging out all day and we're at a bar and we're pretty much all wasted except me, i have to take care of everyone cari has been drinking but she's not drunk we've been talking and we're getting to know each other we have a lot in common and according to her what she's told me its just a little bit. We're getting along so well and its like i can tell her everything like i can trust anything to her. Its 2am and im the olny one sober and besides cari well she's had some drinks but she's still not drunk so she helped me get amy and jess in the car and we're going back to the apartment.

Once we arrive amy got out of the car and ran to inside, meghan was at home cause she felt a little sick so she helped amy while we got jess inside. Cari and I we're still not that tired and decided to keep talking about ourselves. "Umm whens your birthday." I asked randomly. "march 19."she says. "Wait really." I say. "Yeah when's yours." She asks me. "Same march 19." She laughs and says." Now thats cool." She yawns. "Take my room, I'll sleep here." I tell her. "Shan you don't have to."she tells me. "I know but I want you to make yourself at home so, you take my bed and I'll take the couch." I tell her but she doesn't listen. "How about we both sleep in your room and I don't have to feel like a burden and i make myself at home, deal." She says and i chuckle a little. "Deal but you'll never be a burden don't ever think that." And with that said we went to bed. she changed in the bathroom and i changed in the room quickly and went to bed she went out of the bathroom an. Jumped up in bed was thinking and i chuckled a little then she spoke "good night" "night" i tell her and turn aroundand thought to myself I think I like her.


Once Shannon picked me up from the airport i never thought that it would be her, she's the girl from my dream i felt relieved but at the Same time i wondered why did I dream of her. She's so sweet and the first five minutes on the way to her apartment were silent until she dicided to say something." Um hi" she seems a little shy "hi...um... when we were on the phone i forgot to get your name"i tell her."sorry im Shannon, Shannon Beveridge and i already know who you are thanks to amy, meghan and jess"she laughs her laugh ugh I love her laugh.

Some minutes later we get bord and she tells me i can put music and hands me the aux cord. I put issues and start singing she something glances at me and smiles she has a cute smile.

We get to her apartment and hear amy yelling saying that she has a missed call of mine and stuff like that and that she needs to yell at someone else and looks for shannon. When she realizes that im there she jumped on me and everyone laughed.

We went the bar but meghan felt sick so she didn't go. amy and Jess are drunk, Shannon is sober and I've had some drinks but im not drunk. We talked about ourselves and had a good time. It's 2am and we head to the apartment. Once we got back shannon parked the car amy ran inside it was really funny. We got jess inside and once she was in bed we went the living room and we kept talking about ourselves and surprisingly we have the same birthday but she's two yaers older than me.

We were debating on who was gonna sleep in her room and i told her that i didn't want to be a burden. So at the end we decided that both of us are gonna sleep in her room. We headed to her room i changed in the bathroom and she changes in the room I came out and she was already laying on bed and i just jumped she chuckled a little and then i said "good night" "night" she tells me and turns around. before i fell asleep i was thinking about this day and how Shannon Is so sweet and that we have wierdly alot in common its a little funny too and then i thought to myself I think i like her.

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