25.hard Life

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it's been a week since the game and sam and cari are still arguing. well sam is, cari just listens to her rambling. like right now sam is walking in circles she watched a game last night and she was furious, but i can see she's not mad, maybe disappointed. "sam can you sit down, your gonna be tired at school witch we're running late." sam huffs and goes upstairs "i don't she's gonna calm down soon." cari say while feeding aiden. "i know." i say and sam goes out the door almost stomping. i sigh and go.

"mom" "yeah" "what are you gonna do when cari leaves." i sigh. i actually don't know i can't leave with her we have a life here, and she's moving back and. " i don't know we haven't talked..are you sure your five." i look at her. " yeah why." " you're like a ten year old you know." "you calling me old, old lady." i laugh. "you said it i didn't." she punches my shoulder. we arrive at school and we get off. i take her to the building and a reacher stops me. "I'm sorry miss beveridge but you're not allowed near school property." I look at her, she can't be serious. "My daughter goes to this school how am i supposed to not come here." She was about to speak but i cut her off. "You know what save it." I kneel in front of sam "guess you go from here." I hug her "behave i don't want to be called later." She laughs and nods before going inside.

I stand up and look at the teacher. "You are." "Ella, sams teacher." "Ok teacher, let set this straight. I bring sam to school with no complications and that's it don't make this complicated." I said and turned around. "I liked the other mother better." She said and i looked at her. "I did too but now you have to deal with me. And be more mature about it around sam okay." I pointed at sam at the entrance while putting on my sunglasses.

After going back home i told ally what happened and she's just rambling but i can't understand that she's saying. "Does she know who you are." "That's why she stopped me dumbass" she laughs "right, so...." she kept going until the door opened and we turned to see who it was. Kara was standing next to sam with an ice pack. I stand up and pick sam up. Taking her to the kitchen. I sigh taking off the ice pack off of sam's face. Her cheek was a little swollen and really red. But sam doesn't even look me in the eye like she used to when she got in trouble, so i know there's something going through her head. I let her go cuz i know she won't speak until she wants to.

"What happened." I asked kara when i sat on the couch again. "Well.." she got cut off by the door opening and jo went running inside. And alyssa comes behind her. "As i was saying, sam was annoyed by some girl, something about you being kicked out or something i don't know but sam punched her but she got her back and that's all i heard from the teacher." "You" i asked alyssa. "Jo punched the girl after sam left." Ally laughs from coming from the kitchen with jimmy. "What's so funny" alyssa and i asked at the same time. "It's the same thing you did with cam in high school." She said.

I did but i punched a guy that was saying stupid shit at her cam pushed him and he slapped her. And you don't do that. "Your point" "Jo like sam" i roll my eyes. "jo has had a crush on her since she saw her." Alyssa added. And they just laugh at me "what" i ask annoyed. "You look like dad when you had your first boyfriend." Kara said "no i don't" i argue. Then comes stevie with aiden and cari with cam. "You do." Stevie says laughing at my face. "She's still my baby." "Sooner or later they will end up dating." Alyssa said. "At least it's not some stranger." Cari said. She's got a point but they're too young. I don't even want to think about it. "You're not helping." I stand up and go upstairs.

I went to sam's room to try and talk to her. Once i got there the door was slightly opened. I peeked through the creek and saw jo hugging sam, but sam is crying. I sigh and go in her room. Jo lets go of her and moves from her. I pick sammie up and sit on the bed. Jo standing in front of us like she doesn't know what to do. I pat the space beside me telling her to sit down.

After a while of stroking her back sam fell asleep. I couldn't really talk cuz it breaks me everytime i see her like this. I left jo in sam's room while i go downstairs. Everyone is just minding their own business when i notice alyssa's absence. "Hey where's alyssa." "Sam called her, the baby's coming. And you will babysit." Ally says handing me jimmy. "What." "Don't worry cari's keeping you company." She says closing the door. "Like i have any choice." Says cari laughing while feeding both babies. "Well atleast your here to lighten the mood a little." "Didn't talk" she asks. "No she cried herself to sleep and jo is keeping her company... have you thought about any places." I ask. "What are we talking about." "The vacation i told you about." She sighs. "What" "where do you wanna go." "You tell me." She thinks for a little. "What about... nope i got nothing." We laugh. "Why don't we go to dallas.. there we can have some fun with the kids and later on we can have my mom take care of them for a while."i tell her "you're on to something beveridge." "I know" i smile at the two sleeping babies. And jimmy running around. I grab him. "Now what are you up to." He smiles and hugs me. "You don't talk yet." "Think he's falling asleep." Cari tells me. "Lets get them to bed then."

I'm sitting on the couch with cari's head on my lap while everyone is sleeping, it's midday and it has not been productive at all. "so when are we going." cari says breaking the silence. "friday." she nods. 'why are we so awkward." we laugh. "i don't know." she sighs. "cari you know i love you right." i tell her. "i love you too." i smile and lean into her. she sits up and stares right into my eyes. "what is it." "i just love your eyes." "oh yeah now you have three kids around you with the same eyes." i joke. "you're a loser." "but your still here aren't you." she laughs. "i think i have a problem then." she says getting closer. "you do." i close the space between us. when i lean back to break the kiss she leans forward and straddles me. i feel her tongue on my lips making me open my mouth.

after making out for a few minutes i pick her up and start going to my room. i open the door and place cari on the bed. i go back to the door closing and locking it. "we don't need intruders" i tell cari making her laugh. i go up to her and start kissing her again. i start to undress her quickly, her doing the same. as i start kissing down her down i can hear her moan turning me on more and more.

( no smut cuz i still feel uncomfortable writing it 😂)

i know it was short but right now it's the best i could do but i will say wait for the next one cuz i is a turn.


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