18. Always Drama

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I was writing on a whiteboard and i got bored so follow me on social media i would appreciate it. also follow me on younow.. milagrosmarino_27232

'back to the story'


Why do people want me dead. i know i don't remember everything and there were things that my dad didn't fully tell me, but this is getting tiring sometimes. the cops took the guy, but i still have questions. my dads side of the family was involved with some shit that my parents didn't want to involve me and my family. guess that went well. in college ally, kara and i got in some trouble and apparently did something that i don't remember. no one does. not even ally, nor kara. we were in an 'accident' that should've killed us. but we lost our memory. we were in college when we started getting in trouble. we don't know who it was but according to my dad and my uncles 'private' conversation, it was 'taken care of' so i guess they handled that. i still get sudden memories from my past. not all bad. but things still have to come back. i feel bad, i don't remember how i met cam. that's one of the things that have been with me since i started to gain my memory back. i remember what happend before the accident. i didn't remember anything before that. i know i'm gonna have drama in my life, there always is. but i just wish i knew why. my cousin told me it was part of my legacy. i've survived everything that has happend to me so far and i'm starting to think i'm invincible. i'm sitting out in the back not saying a word. ally is the same. i'm glad that kara left. she has a safer life in london. "do you think this will ever stop." she asked me. "not if we don't know what we did." i answered. "if something happens to my family.. i'll go nuts" she says with tears. "nothings gonna happen.. i promise you this will stop and we're all gonna be safe." "try telling that to cari and stevie. they are still in shock." " i know but you told stevie but i haven't told cari." ally gives me a look that makes me wonder. "did you tell her." i asked her. "she looks down. "we have to tell them." " i want to wait until after the baby.. i can't let her deal with a lot. and shan.." "yeah." " i wanted to tell you some time ago.." " what is it." she starts crying. i go up to her and hug her. "als what is it." "i remember." " the accident." "no.. the day we got in trouble."


"the day we got in trouble." they are always in trouble but i don't get why or how they don't remember what they did. every time they are nearly dead. "there are some thing that i never understand.. she doesn't tell me what is happening she tells me it's not important or she doesn't know." "they have to tell us sooner or later." i tell her. "let's talk about this another time with more privacy." says shannon. i don't know why all the secrets. i'm gonna have to confront her about this. this has gone to far, it's not a safe life not only for us but for sam, and stevie is expecting a kid. they come in ally sits next to stevie while shannon walks to the stairs. "ugh!!" we look at shannon she falls to the ground and we run to her. she presses her side she looks at me. i look at her had. she's bleeding. i move her flannel and see a dagger on her side. "ally, help me get her to the car." i tell her and she picks her up. i run upstairs and get sam. i open the door she's putting on her shoes. "i'm going." this girl i don't get how she isn't depressed or something. but i'm glad. "let me help you." i help her with her shoes and head out.

we get to the hospital and shannon was immediately taken in. we were waiting and sam stands up and goes to a hall. "sam come back you can't go in." i tell her she looks back and stops. a doctor comes and says. "beveridge" and we stand up. " how is she." ally asks. "she's fine" i answer. "yes she's alright there was no damage besides the injury she is in room 214." he says and leaves. "how did you know." ally asks. "sam." i said and went to get her. i know i'm not her mom but i'm gonna have to talk to her. she's learning how to uses whatever she has. i know i can't help but i want to know how she is doing not only with the dreams but with her mind. i get to the room and see shannon in bed and sam with her arms crossed sitting on a chair on the other side of the room. "what is it with you two." " ask her she came here telling me things i should tell her." shannon gives me a look like when your parents ask for an explanation. i look at sam. "what mom has to be careful she's gonna get hurt one day and it's gonna be her fault she doesn't think she only does it." this kid is too smart. i shake my head. "first of all sam is right, and second, sam your mom is supposed to tell you those things, not you. so let me see your smiles so i can not stress anymore. they give me some fake ass smiles. " really.. forget it." i say and get closer to shannon. "how do you feel." "like i got stabbed." " stop with the sarcasm i actually worried." "i'm fine it just hurts a little." i kiss the top of her head. "now talk to sam, you know she knows everything and i don't want to mess with your trust." i tell her quietly. and sit next to sam. "sam come here please." sam stands up and goes to her. she gets her on the bed and sits her next to her. stevie and ally come in and they sit while they have a conversation. "you have to tell us what's going on." i tell ally and sighs. "shannon will tell you..i just..can't" she looks away.

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