7. Perfect Surprise

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After cari left to get ready, i headed upstair to get ready as well. when i get out of the shower i'm trying to decide what to wear but i don't have anything so i decide to wear something simple a black shirt with a read and black flannel and some black jeans. i finish changing and straightening my hair and go downstairs. i see meghan and jess talking but they keep eyeing me and when i get off the staircase "boo" both amy and cari jump out making me scream "aahhh, WHAT THE FUCK!! why would you guys do that " i tell them and their laughing their asses out. "especially you amy you know that i get scared easily " "thats why "amy answers and i'm still a little shook of because of them "aww babe, i didn't think you are that easy to scare "she says laughing and i can't be mad at her she's happy and i wanna keep her smiling and she hugs me and i give her a kiss and i can tell she's happy but i'm not so i let go of the hug and go to the kitchen to get my phone thats charging and we start leaving for the party.

We get to the party and we see all our friends i barely noticed that we have a little gay family, well except danny he's not gay but he's still part of the family. We start to interact with everyone and i see cari talking with danny, their laughing and i smile seeing cari happy. I leave the living room and go to the bathroom and see stevie coming out of the bathroom "hey stevie " "hey shan"she says a little nervous "hey why are you nervous. And where's ally?" I ask "well she's on her way and i want to surprise her and i don't know if she will like the surprise and i nervous about it and.."i cut her off "hey calm down.. look, tell me what you have planed". I tell her calming her down "well you know ally and I have been dating for 3 years now.."she says and she breathes " i'm gonna propose to ally "she blurts out and she seems so nervous "and your so nervous about that.. she's gonna freak out. I'm so happy for you stevie". I can't believe my best friend is gonna be engaged and will be married. "But what if she says no.. i don't know what to do" "your overreacting, look ally has had a crush on you since high school i doubt she's gonna say no". "Wait really" "yeah she never stopped talking about how pretty you are and if you guys got married who would change their last name and stuff like that " "why didn't she tell me " "cause she's trying to make her self look cool you know how she is"at this point we're laughing "yeah, and i have another problem" "what is it ?" "I don't know if the surprise is good enough " i start thinking "well mmm...what does she like ?" I ask to see if i can help "she likes animals, her guitar, music..mm.. well thats about it. NO wait she's a huge but HUGE Fletcher fan " "that's it she can sing ally a song " "who?" "Cari" she has a confused face "Fletcher" i say "ooo, no offense shan but your not that famous and even if you were how would we get fletcher here within the next twenty minutes" I realize that i hadn't seen stevie the whole time i was downstairs with everyone " you haven't gone downstairs haven't you" she shakes her head " no, why" "come with me" to say and head downstairs.

Once were downstairs i started looking for cari, she was on the couch but i froze once i saw who she was with. The one and only camden scott. Stevie noticed my lack of movement "have you talked to her?" She asks "not a since the break up"i tell her "you haven't talked to her in six months!? " She says a little surprised "yeah i haven't socialized a lot I've been hanging out with amy,meghan and jess " "well it's time you should talk to her " i know stevie is right and even though cammie and see broke up we knew and we know that we will always be best friends. So i decide to go up to them but when i start going towards them some one calls cammie and she stands and leaves. I sigh in relief but i still know that at some point i have to talk to her. "Hey cari , i have someone you have to meet " "hey i'm cari" she says and stretches her hand out "he hey i I'm st stevie" they shake hands and i decide to interrupt the awkward silence "she's Ally's girlfriend and we want to ask you a huge favor " "yeah what's up" she says and stevie starts talking "well um i wanted to see i if you could help me surprise ally once she gets here " she asks nervously "yeah sure what for you want me to do ?" Cari says "could you maybe sing for her she's like a huge but huge fan of yours " Stevie suggest "sure just tell me when she gets here " "ok thanks much" "no problem anything for my shanbee's friends" i smile and they give each other a hug. We got our separate ways and wait for ally. "so 'shanbee' whats with you and THE fletcher" i chuckle "she's just a friend" she stares at me "are you sure" "well we've kissed once or twice " i say a little nervous "so there is a little more than 'just friends'" she teases me "i do like her but i don't know, like she's really famous and it's complicated" i trey to explain to stevie "well you'll figure it out don't worry look, she;s been looking at you the whole time see" as she says that i turn around and se that cari is looking at me and i flash her a smile, i can see that she'e having fun.

"Guys Ally's here" danny tells us. So i start looking for cari for the surprise "hey cari, come with me " we head upstairs so cari could do a cool appearance we gave her a mic and and told her that she would be singing one of ally's songs so she started learning it and hearing the song and then we all waited a little. Once we see the door opened we all screamed "SURPRISE!!!" And ally jumps . "Guys you scared the shit out of me, like i know that you where her but wow haha "ally says and we all laugh " hey ally we have a surprise for you" stevie says and the share a kiss "another one i don't want to be scared and i don't want to go to the dentist "ally says and we laugh at ally's comments" no sit down and see " we all make space and face Ally's chair towards the staircase. Jess puts ally's song space and ally looks confused. But once cari comes out singing it looks like ally saw a ghost and she was in shock. But when cari kept singing ally seemed so happy like if she was a little girl seeing Justin Bieber. When cari finished the song she said "happy birthday ally we all love you and your songs are really good" ally didn't say anything she just couldn't believe that cari was here but she started to speak "is she real.."we just stayed silent because we wanted to hear and see every thing she does and says. Cari went closer to ally and giggled at her comment. Ally looks at stevie and says "i have to make sure i'm bot dreaming, hurry someone slap me "ally says but no one moves and she turns to everyone and back to stevie "do you think if i touch her boobs she'll get mad " ally says and everyone laughs "do it, you'll die" stevie answers "what, it's just to be sure "she says with her hands up and we laugh. "We'll if you wana make sure that I'm real why don't you just give me a hug instead"cari says and ally stands quickly and gives her a tight hug and then gives stevie a hug and a kiss "thank you for the surprise i loved it and how did you get fletcher here"ally asked" i have my ways, and shannon helped a little " stevie said and ally turned to look at me "thanks bro i love you you're the best friend anyone can have " ally says hugging me "i love you too ally and i would do anything for you and you you know that ".

After the surprise i started waiting for the time that steve would propose to ally. I was talking to amy but i started hearing danny and cammie talk to cari "so are you seeing someone" "well sorta" cari answers "and who's the lucky guy" danny continues the conversation "accually the lucky gal" cari says and looks at me and once she says that everyone went a little quiet and i see cammie widen her eyes and she has a blank face i couldn't tell her expretion. But quickly turned her facial expression to a smile. I gave her a small smile but everyone was quiet but ally cut the akward silence and said "well since were revealing secrets i wanna reveal mine "as she says that she walks towards stevie and starts talking "stevie.. you've been the most loving and caring person that I've ever known and i want you to know that i will always love you. And i wanted to ask.."as she says that she gets on one knee and says ".. will you mary me?" and stevie starts crying and says " yeah but im a little sad " ally has a confused look "why " "cause i wanted to ask you first" stevie says and takes out the ring she had for ally.

As the party goes on, I'm a little drunk and cari and I are on the couch and in laying on top of her while she's on her phone. She gives me a kiss on my forehead "babe do you want to go home?" She says and i just nod and open my eyes and we stand up tooking for Stevie and ally and we see them in the kitchen we say our good byes and went home. Once were inside we head to my room and Cari helps me change and we head to bed. I don't know whats in my head that it's thinking to much i think it's frome the alcohol but who cares. I'm only thinking of cari, she's laying next to me the only thing that im thinking of is "i love you cari" and i fell asleep"

I sorry for not
writing often im
to busy with things and
I cant get my
Head clear but
Im gonna try
Writing more often
and i hope you guys
are enjoying the
Story so far and comment
What you want to see what
kind of drama and vote plz

Love Mily ♥️

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