5. New Photoshoot

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Well jess was a really good help in really lucky i have friends like her i couldn't ask for more. after jess left the room i head to the kitchen and cari isn't here." wheres cari? i ask them "oo someone missis cari "amy and meghan laugh"fuck off.. i don't even know her well. i like her music but we still don't know each other." i state " well she says your really pretty and she likes spending time with you" " really!?" i say really excited "they all laugh "no we just wanted to see your reaction and it was hilarious"they're laughing really hard "stop laughing at me "i tell them "well she did say you were pretty " meghan tells me "really? i ask " yeah " she says and i feel my face heat up a little for the statement i don't know if i believe it or not but meghan sounded serious so i don't know " aww shan's blushing " amy and meghan start teasing me and jess just laughs. i just go to my room and take a shower.

i finished showering and i change its about 10 am and im hungry and i head to the living room "hey guys y'all wanna go eat or what cause im starving" i tell them and amy meghan and jess say jess but cari hasn't said any thing . "cari" amy talks to cari she's a little zoned out "what ?" she asks "you wanna go get breakfast"amy says " yeah sure" with that said we all headed to iHop jess meghan and amy went in one care and cari went with me i think they're planning something and i think i know what it is i decided to talk " hey why were you zoned out a few minutes ago?" i ask "oh.. its just work.. they want me to be there at 11 so i can meet every one and something about my image i don't know something about pictures i didn't understand very well, but i know im gonna be tired as fuck tomorrow" she tells me and we laugh "well you know im a singer but what do you do for a living?"she asks me "what..you don't know who i am"i tell her and we laugh a little " well im a youtuber and i was in a short film and i directed a music video" i tel her "wait who's video?" she asks "alyson stoner you know stripped bare" i tell her "oh i know that song.. we met once she's so nice " we kept talking for five minutes and we arrive to iHop

we went in iHop and found amy meghan and jess in a booth and we go with them. we all ordered and i saw the waiter checking her out. i got a little jealous but i didn't say anything because i have no wright to be jealous she's not my girlfriend so i stayed quiet. i receive a call and get out of the booth and went out side i don't know who it is so answer

me.- hello?

caller.- helo is this shannon beverige?

me.- yes its me who is this?

caller.-oh sorry im john and im working with capitol records right now and we heard your good with cameras don't ask who cause we wont tell

we laugh a little

me .- yeah so why is this call for?

john.-oh yeah, so we wanted to know if you wanted to help us with a photoshoot?

me .-sure, when and what time

john.-tomorrow at 11 so you can meet us and get to know the singer

me.-sounds great i cant wait to meet more famous people

john.- thank you for wanting to help and well tal about the money stuff here and cant wait to work with you the band and i are big fans of you and your channel

me.- cant wait too, so thats were you new about the camera stuff wright

john.- yeah, see you tomorrow, bye


well i have a new project now and i would've liked it better if they had called me before now im gonna be stressed i head back to the booth and continued eating. " hey who called "amy asked " just more work and meeting more famous people" i sigh knowing im gonna be so stressed and nervous" your lucky your gonna meet a Kardashian and were gonna be at home watching them on tv" amy says and we all laugh "we should get going ill pay don't worry "i tell them and we all go back home. once were at home i start recording a video and decided to do a Q&A. after the video is done i head to the living room and start editing it 12 am and i finished editing and i posted the video then i go to sleep cause tomorrow will be a long day.

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