13. An Eventful Week (part 3)

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---- just cuz i know all the lyrics to this song from the second time i heard it---


"Then where is she." Shannon asked. " They she's in newark." Ally said. "It's not that far from here lets go." I said and headed down. Cammie is hugging Shannon's mom i guess they talked. "When did you get here." Ally asked. "Like an hour ago." She said. "Well its good to see you but we have to go get sam." She said says quickly "Where is she." Cam asked "she's in newark" "lets go then."she says. We go out and leave. The ride felt quite long even though it's like 40 minutes away. We get there and we go to the police station. ally speaks first. "I'm here for the little girl they brought in earlier." She says. "Mam the girl started grunting and she screamed a couple of times I don't know what that was about." Then shannon spoke. "She has tourette syndrome." The officer nodded. "then she got frustrated i tried talking to her but she ran off and no one could find Her. I'm sorry to say this but she isn't here." He says i can see shannons frustration. "Well thanks eather was." I say "I'm sorry we weren't able to help." He says and we leave. "Why, why why why." Shannon starts muttering. "Babe we'll find her. Don't worry lets just have faith." I say giving her a hug and a kiss.

I ran out of the police station, cuz i felt dumb making those noises and screaming. I'm walking on a road i don't know where I'm going. I have been walking for a lot of time. My legs hurt alot but I have to keep going i have to get home cuz mommy is worried. I see Iots of car lights passing but I'm afraid that someone will hurt me or do something. One light Stops and I can tell that it's behind me. I look back to see who was stopping. I see a woman. She is walking to where I am "hey sweetie what are you doing out here all alone." She says but i don't say anything. "Where are your parents." I don't know, so i shrug. "Look I'm not gonna hurt you lets go to my house cuz it's dark and cold out here." She say i nod. I sit in the seat next to her. She puts on some music. "I'm Becca." The woman said. I nod again. "Your supposed to say your name but okay." She says but I don't want to talk I'm scared I don't know her. But I can't be walking all the way. "Sam." I tell her and she smiles at me. I hear momma Cari's song on the radio. I start siging a part. "When you walk in the bar with someone holding hands, you introduce me to her say I'm just and old friend, and you ask how I've been, i say I'm doing fine but I'm lying." Becca smiles at me again. "Do you like Fletcher" she asked me. " She's really nice with me and she sometimes sings to me." I said. And she looks at me. "Sam, who's your mom." She saked me "shannon Beveridge." I told her. "I thought so" she said almost like a whisper she started calling someone. "Hey.. yeah I'm good i just have a little something with me.. i may have your niece here with me.. she was walking on the side of the road looking like a million bucks with her suit.. yeah she's okay Don't worry...in like 15 minutes from New Jersey... I'm going to be at Bobby's parents house we're all there but i had to go to Newark to visit a cousin and when i was heading back I found her... Yeah wait.. sam your mom want to talk to you." She says and gives me the phone. "Hello." "Sam are you okay are your hurt." "I'm okay." "Thank god, sam please don't leave Becca's side please were going there to get you okay." "Okay." "Behave I love you." "I love you too." "Now hand the phone back to Becca i need to talk to her." I hand the phone back to her. "Yeah...yeah don't worry... I'll keep that in mind...okay bye I'm driving...yeah bye." She hangs up. She finishes her call. The way to the house was quite except for the radio. I start making these sounds again. "I hate when this happens." I said mad. "Hey Sam look don't think about them okay they're normal you just have to learn how to live with them okay." I nod. Why can't I be normal like everyone else. At me school no one does that. I feel weird and dumb..We get to a house and she parks I unblocked my seatbelt and got out of the car. My legs hurt really bad that i fell. "Sam what happened are you okay." She asked "my legs hurt really bad." I told her almost crying. She carries me inside. She opens the door and walked in the living room. There's a lot of people here. I tried hiding my face. "Hey guys." Becca said. They all said hi. Then i heard a woman said. " And who is this lady." "This is sam, she's Casey's niece ." Becca says to the woman. Then someone comes up to us I feel a hand on my back. "Hey sam it's me uncle Byron." I look up and see my Byron auntie Casey's boyfriend. I pull away from Becca and hug uncle Byron. "What is she doing with you." He asked Becca "i found her walking on the side of the road i already called casey and their coming here." She said i hope mom doesn't get mad.

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