20. Time

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   i was writing this and then i read it and i thought why not this song 😂 enjoy.


it's been three month since i saw shannon i haven't heard of her on anything. until this day we are still dead. i'm waiting to know if shannon is okay with being exposed to the public so no one has been on social media or anything. i've been a little undercover no one has recognized me when i'm out of the house. my dad doesn't let me go cuz he knows i'll go looking for shannon. but she told me she'll look for me so i won't do anything. sofia came like two weeks ago and discovered that i'm alive. she invited me to a release that she would be participating in and that's tomorrow we're gonna hang out cuz she wants to relax for a bit. we haven't talked about shannon but sooner or later she's gonna ask. i told her that i wasn't at the house when it exploded cuz i know how she is she can't keep a secret. after half an hour i see my door open and see sofia excited for this day. as always she has a whole plan."hey bitch" "hey sof." "why so sad." "i'm just tired of being ere, lets just go." we head out and leave. " so where are we going." i ask her. "we're going to get some food cuz i'm starving." she says making melaugh. we go to a pizza place cuz she wanted to and we start talking. "did you know casey keeps designing now." she asked me. "no i didn't is she going to be a part of the release." i ask cuz knowing her shannon will be there. "i don't know it's most likely. no one has said anything yet." i nod. "so how do you feel about you know ..Shannon." i sigh. "i miss her..i miss being with her and sam."  she gives me an apologetic smile. after getting food we went shopping we were at the mall when we were passing by a music shop and i see posters of my Ep. this was the music shop i would come to when i was younger. sofia pulls me to the shop. she goes straight looking for some CD's she eventually found one with all of my songs and went to the register. i was standing by her and then i see in the very back some kids taking pictures next to one of the posters of my Ep when they move i see next to it 'In memorial' i sigh and leave with sofia. "you saw that two." "yeah i want to go back to my regular life, it's been so long." " i know but you know your dad." she knows that my dad won't let me be much in public but she doesn't know that it's because of shannon.  we keep walking looking for some stuff. so far so good we've bought so much stuff. we're going to buy some make up cuz we need some, logical. once we got there, there were some girls that ran up to us and i stood behind sofia, they started taking pictures and i walked away. i went into a clothing store and sure enough i was looking at some familiar clothes, i looked at the tags and sure enough it was now. what if shannon doesn't want to see me. what if she doesn't even care anymore. it's been a long time if you think about it. 

i just picked out some things that i liked and when i was about to get a shirt i heard a squeal. oh shit someone recognized me. then i heard. "cari" i turned around and saw stevie. i quickly hugged her but i didn't feel something. i pulled away. "stevie.. i've missed you" i tell her and then say " wha- whe- where is the baby." she smiles then calls out ally's name. soon after she turns with a stroller. ally see's me and leaves the stroller and hugs me. " ally you left him behind."  she goes to the stroller. we pull away from the hug and i go towards stevie.  she picks the baby up. i is the most beautiful baby i've ever seen, i'm about to cry. "you want to cary him."  i nod and she places him in my arms. and he stirs awake. he opens his eyes. "he looks just like ally." i say in aw.  ally hugs stevie from behind. "what his name." i look at them. " jimmy."  i smile "what did shannon say." ally's smile fades but stevie speaks up. "she cried but she was happy." i can't ignore the fact that ally isn't smiling. "ally why that face." i ask  "it's nothing i- just ignore me." i look at stevie and she mouths 'i'll tell you later.' we come out of the store and see sofia freaking out. " hide."  i tell ally and stevie. them look at me with a strange face but i push them back to the store. "hey.. calm down." " cari you scared me where were you." she says worriedly. "i was buying some more clothes." i tell her she pulls on my arm and ally and stevie look out and don't have any choice but wave. 

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