14. Appreciate the moments

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I wake up to an empty bed again. I stand up and go downstairs. I hear laughing. I see cam playing with sam and cari and kara making breakfast. "Hey to the people." I say and sam runs to me. "Whats up." I say. "Lets play." "What are you giys playing." I say but i going up to Cari giving her a kiss. I go over to the living room where cammie is. They're playing just dance. "I don't know how to dance." i tell sam and cammie laughing. "If i remember correctly you used to say that you were good at dancing." She says. "When we did the elf dancing thing I did better than I thought so." We all laugh. "C'mon it's gonna be fun." sam says "only one cuz it's to early for me." I tell her we all start dancing duru-duru-du by black pink. At the end of the song I'm tired. I sit down and hear kara can cari laughing. I turn and see them both recording. "Hey no, let me see it." I start saying. She put it on her Instagram story. I suck at dancing I don't know what I'm doing. But cam and sam do know how to dance they do the same moves at the same time. "Sam when did you start dancing." I asked. "I was dancing with mom and uncle jack." she said. "your really good at it." "What about me." cammie said making me laugh. "Cam you know you can dance sam got that from you." I tell her. "Well i guess i am." She say. "You guess, who here dances better than cam." I say and caseys comes to the living room. "Me bitches." I give her a look. "What." "You do not know how to dance." I tell her "I do." "Prove it." They put on a song and cari and kara are still recoding. They start dancing. Casey knows how to dance but she's not as good at cammie. "See." she tells me look at the videos. Kara shows her. "Shit cam your good." She tells her. "I know." We laugh. "The confidence hasn't gone yet in see." "Not a single bit." she says i hug her and kara says. "Breakfast is ready." She says. We sit at the table and start eating breakfast. "We have to get ready for the flight later. So after breakfast we pack and.. lets go tour around since the flight is at 9." i asked. And everyone agreed.

We finished breakfast and started packing and i was grabbing a hoodie that i left next to the drawer when i pick it up i found something under the drawer i picked it up it's a picture of sam when she was a few months old.

We finished breakfast and started packing and i was grabbing a hoodie that i left next to the drawer when i pick it up i found something under the drawer i picked it up it's a picture of sam when she was a few months old

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I sit on the bed. I lost this picture when i came here i didn't remember until i got back home. Cari sits next to me. "It's sam when she was a few months old." "She looks so adorable." "Everyone would think she was a boy cuz of what she wore...Cammie used to insist on making her look more like me.." i tell her. "And now." She asked chuckling. "She says that she looks like me just that now she wears more girly things." We laugh. "I have to start looking for another place." I say. "Why." "Cuz sam is gonna live with me and i got her a dog and.." "and?" "I was..um.. i was thinking if..if.." "shannon what is it." "I was wondering if you wanted to move in with me."i say quickly and close my eyes. She stays quiet. "Baby." I say and look at her. Shes smiling. "What do you s-"she cuts me of with a kiss. "Of course." "Really!?" "Yeah really." I'm so happy right now i can't believe cari agreed. I kiss her. "I love you so much." I say while i hug her. "I love you too."

A few moments later...(from SpongeBob)

We already packed our stuff for the flight. We headed out to go around New York before we left. We were in Central Park when we heard screaming. I looked at sam she was fine but it wasn't from her we saw in front of us some girls one looked like she was about to faint. They came up to us they took pictures with all of us and left. We were walking to find a place to eat when I saw someone running. He bumped into me making us fall.. it was the guy who took sammie and shot me. Out of pure anger i pushed him up and onto a wall i grabbed him i was about to punch him but Phill and Mark got him and got me off before i did something stupid. "How the fuck did you get out!" I yelled. Cammie called the police. "That place won't keep me in, you ruined my life. My family left me because of you!" "If it wasn't for you stealing from me this wouldn't have happened!" I yelled back. The police got here. They got him quickly and put him in the car. The policeman came towards us. "How did he get out." I said trying to stay calm. "He was going to a state prison, but before he got on the bus he got away. I'm sorry this had to happen." He said politely. "It's fine." I said. "Phill can you make sure he gets there i don't want him near us..ever."
"Yes 'mam." He says. He starts calling someone. "How much time will he get." I asked. "For kidnapping, assassination attempt, and for escaping, he'll be in for 50 years." He said Then Phill comes. " There will be another guy coming to escort you ladies and another to make sure he doesn't escape." He says. "Thanks." He nods.

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