11. An Eventful Week (part 1)

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I wake up to the feeling of cuddles and a foot in my face. I open my eyes and see sammies foot and felt cari hugging me from behind. I start ticking Sam's foot and she started groaning. "Noo.. it's to early." I laugh. "Thats what happens when your on my phone till late. But here lay with cari I'll be back." I say and i get up carefully I don't want to wake cari up. Sammie goes up to her and cari hugs her. I smile at the sight but i go downstairs. I make myself a coffee and hear someone knocking the door like a maniac. I go and open it. it's ally she's out of breath. "Woah calm down." I tell her and she comes in. "Here i came running cuz my car broke down a mile away." She says handing me the gift I'm gonna give cari. "How much was it?" I ask so i could pay her back. "Do you really want to know?" She says a little concerned. "Yes and hurry up cuz cari is gonna wake up any minute now." I say looking upstairs. "1.5m." shit. "Jesus was it hand made by gods." I say but I'm not surprised a legend used this thing. "Thanks ally and wait." I get the dog and hand it to her. "I'll come back in a couple of hours and happy birthday." She says "no problem. But try to be as quick as possible and thanks." "Okay bye I'll be back." She says leaving. I hear footsteps and see sammie walking down the stairs. I go there and wait for her down the stairs. "Morning baby." She doesn't reply she just holds her hands up and I carry her. "Are you still tired?" She shakes her head no but she's literally sleeping in my arms. I let out a small chuckle and give her a kiss on her head. i sit at the table sam is still holding on and I'm on my computer. I'm on YouTube and sammie starts watching with me. "I need to go to the bathroom." She says and gets out of my hold. While she goes I'm starting to make breakfast. "Mommy can i watch a video." She says sitting in front of my computer. "yeah sweetie, here." I open it and put what she wanted
Witch is liza. I go back and continued cooking. Some minutes later I serve sammie pancakes and i start getting attacked by kisses. "Happy. birthday. baby" cari says between kisses. I turn fully around facing her. I cup her cheeks. "happy birthday to you too baby." I give her a long kiss. "I'm eating here." We hear sammie says. "You really have to get her to stop hanging out with amy." Cari says making me laugh even more.

We finished breakfast and we went back to the room and we just laid there sammie is drawing on the floor while Cari is cuddled up on me. "Babe i have present for you." She says. And walks to her bag and gets out a box. She sits back down and opens the box. It's a necklace that says 'lil 'bev' . "I love it." I say kissing her . "Even better now there's two lil Bev's. Sam come here please." She says and sam gets on the bed. "Show mommy your necklace." She says and sammie take out her necklace from the inside of her shirt. She has the same one as me. "Now it's even better." I say and give cari another kiss. "I also have a gift for you." I say standing up and getting her gift from the living room. "Open it" i say she opens the case and us her face drops. "What.. you don't like it." I start to worry. She gets up and hugs me she starts kissing my cheek repeatedly. "So you do like it." I say. "Of course i do but.." "but what." "How much was it." She asks. "It wasn't that much." "Shannon.. how much was it." "1.5 million." I say her eyes go wide. "Shan it's too much I have to pay you back." She says really fast. "Babe it's my gift for you. You don't have to pay me anything." I say "shan but it's a lot of money." "Don't worry. What do you want to do today." I ask. "Pay you back." I roll my eyes. "No really what do you wanna do." "I already told you and i wanna go to the beach." She says. "Then lets go to the beach." I say. "I have to go home and change." She tells me. "Okay I'll pick you up." I say walking her to the door. "Okay I'll see you later." She says I pull her by her arm and give her a long, passionate kiss. We pull away. "I'll see you. bye babe." She says and Walks away. I close the door and just smile. She makes me the most happy person in the world. I was about to walk up stairs and I hear a knock on the door. I open it and i see ally with the dog in her arms. "Why are you carrying the dog." I ask. "Cuz he doesn't calm down and he's dragging me everywhere." I sigh and let them in. She puts the dog down and her runs up to the room. "That's why you can't have a dog." "Oh shut it i got some paperwork. You just have to sign and I'll take them back and everything will be good." She says. "And here before you leave the house they said that he has to keep this vest on." She says handing me the vest that says 'service dog'. "Okay hey you wanna go to the beach." I ask. "Yeah sure I'll tell stevie."she says. "Okay and here." I say and hand her the signed papers. "Okay I'll meet you there." "Yeah I'll see you later." "Bye shanny." She says in like a flirty voice tone. "Adios Alison." We laugh. I close the door and see sammie walking down the stairs and papi next to her. "Mommy I'm board." She says with a frown. " I know me too, but were going to the beach so lets wake the girls up." I say and pick her up. We woke the girls up they told me happy bday and all that stuff and now sam and I are in my car going to pick up cari.we arrive at her apartment and see cari and alex coming. Alex sits in the back with sammie and cari sits with me in front. We get to the beach and see stevie and ally waiting for us next to their car. We get the stuff from the car and go to them. "Ready?" I ask them. "Yeah here." She says handing me a Tag. And we go. We sit close to the water so i could see what sammie is doing. I don't worry that much cuz papi doesn't let her go any further. I see stevie standing. "I'm gonna go with sammie." She says. And now i don\t have to worry that much anymore. I see cari laying down with her head on my lap. I just cares her face for a while and she grabs and kisses my hand. I smile and then i see stevie with sammie in her hands laughing. Sammie stands next to me and grabs her water bottle. She sits in front of me and grab her towel and start drying her up.

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