Your body's what I'm all about. Can I see it?

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No plot, just smut.  Rated M for Mature. ;)

If I Was Your Girlfriend - PRN (1989)

"Is it really necessary for me to go out of the room/Just because you want to undress?

We don't have to make children to make love/And we don't have to make love to have an orgasm

Your body's what I'm all about/Can I see it?" 


We arrive at the hut just before sunset. I unload our things from the truck and Sanem busies herself with unpacking the groceries I brought. I'm planning to grill for her, because I know how she loves her meat. Bebishko, I raise an eyebrow and smirk a little to myself. I love Sanem, and my love for her is pure, but I'm finding it more and more difficult to keep my thoughts pure the longer we are together. I've never felt this way about any woman before, and I've never waited for any woman this long before. And now I'm making meat jokes to myself like I'm 13. Focus on the grill, Can, sexual frustration doesn't look good on you.

I start preparing the grill, and I realize the matches are in one of the bags I took into the hut. "Sanem, have you seen..." I stop walking and talking and breathing and, I swear, my heart stops beating because I catch Sanem just as she has pulled her dress over her head and she is standing in the middle of the room in nothing but matching lacy pink bra and panties. My jaw drops and my hand covers my mouth. I know I should look away, but I can't. I physically cannot NOT look at her. She's perfect.

"Can!" She crosses her arms over her chest. "I was just taking off my clothes...I mean, I was changing. Ugh!" She stomps her foot, irritated with her own awkwardness. She's flustered and it's adorable. "Don't you knock? And what are you smiling at??"

I realize she's right; I'm smiling. Big. "Am I smiling, Sanem?" I ask as I walk toward her, my smile getting even bigger.

"Yes! You are smiling, and you're coming closer! What are you doing? Can you look away?" She backs up a little as I get closer and her head bumps into a shelf mounted on the wall behind her. Her hand goes up to rub her head without realizing she's leaving herself exposed to my hungry gaze. "Ah, Sanem, ah! Why are you always making a fool of yourself?" she says under her breath.

"I can't look away," I say as I come to a stop in front of her, so close our bodies are nearly touching. I see her throat work as she swallows nervously. I pull her slightly to the right so the shelf isn't behind her and back her up against the wall. My face comes close to hers and I trace her jaw with the bridge of my nose and kiss her pulse where it flutters under her ear. I lean in and whisper, "You are so beautiful. Can I see you, Sanem?"

I lift my head and look at her face and her eyes are closed and her chest rises and falls quickly with her shallow breaths. I feel her arousal coming off her in waves, and it only intensifies my own. I hold her face in my hands and run my thumbs lightly over her eyelids. "Open your eyes, güzelim." She does, and she raises them slowly to meet mine.


Oh, god. What did I get myself into? It's hard enough to resist Can when I'm dressed, but I'm nearly naked and his body is pressed against mine and he's telling me I'm beautiful and asks if he can look at me. YES, I want to shout! YES! Look at me! Put your hands on me! Pull me against you and kiss me hard and deep the way I dream about when I'm alone in my bed. But my good girl compass kicks in and it doesn't allow me to say it. Not in words, I can't say it.

He tells me to open my eyes and I do. The desire I see in his eyes is almost too much and I look down. He puts his index finger beneath my chin and lifts my head up so I'm forced to look at him. "Can I look at you, Sanem?" he says. His voice is low and rough, and I feel his question in a sharp tug between my legs. I nod almost imperceptibly, and that's enough for him. His hands move from my face to my shoulders and run slowly down my arms until his hands are holding mine. He steps back, keeping hold of my hands. His eyes are still on mine. They briefly flick down to my lips and back up. I want him to kiss me so badly. I squeeze my legs together, trying to ease the empty clenching I feel there. He sees my movement, and I know he knows what I'm feeling. I see a hint of triumph in his eyes--he knows the power he has over my body, but this is the first time he's acted on it. Up until now he's been the perfect gentleman--and it's been torture.

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