Kiss (Part 1 of 4)

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This is a one-shot inspired by the GORGEOUS Episode 46. It's totally unrelated to other stories in this series. ;) Thank you to Tina on Twitter (@tinasvibe) for the translations! Story starts after lyrics.

Kiss, PRN (1986)

You don't have to be beautiful/To turn me on/I just need your body, baby/From dusk 'til dawn

You don't need experience/To turn me out/You just leave it all up to me/I'm gonna show you what it's all about

You don't have to be rich/To be my girl/You don't have to be cool/To rule my world/Ain't no particular sign/I'm more compatible with

I just want your extra time and your/Kiss

You got to not talk dirty, baby/If you wanna impress me (ah)/You can't be too flirty, mama/I know how to undress me, yeah

I want to be your fantasy/Maybe you could be mine/You just leave it all up to me/We could have a good time, uh

Women, not girls, rule my world/I said they rule my world/Act your age, mama (not your shoe size)/Not your shoe size/Maybe we could do the twirl

You don't have to watch Dynasty/To have an attitude, uh/You just leave it all up to me/My love will be your food


"Why don't you trust me? Why? Why? Did I do this much wrong to you?" Can says to Sanem. He is frustrated, but he knows this conversation has to happen and he's glad he didn't leave. That's what the old Can would have done.

"I trust you," Sanem pleads for his understanding.

Can isn't convinced. "You still think I am jealous of him don't you? I told you I am only jealous of you, nobody else. Your happiness is my happiness, your problem is my problem," Can says, and he turns around and starts to walk away. He can't handle this again; he can't live through her choosing Yigit over him again.

"I trust you," she repeats, "Can, don't turn your back on me. You cannot leave and abandon me again."

Can walks back to face her. Desperate, he asks, "What do you want me to do?"

"I want you not to leave again. I want you to promise me you won't leave and abandon me, no matter what happens," Sanem says to him. She's past trying to keep her pride. She wants him to know exactly how she feels.

Can feels the same way. They have been playing with each other, not willing to admit how much they need each other. "I am not leaving," he says. "I am not going anywhere. Aren't you aware that I am wherever you are?"

When she really thinks about it, she is. She knows how he feels about her. "I am aware," she says, "I am aware of everything."

He needs to hear her say what she wants. He needs to know without a doubt. "Then tell me, what do you want?"

What Sanem does in answer to Can's question is unexpected by both of them; she steps toward him, grabs the back of his neck, and kisses him. Her eyes are closed and her lips are parted before she reaches him, and she takes his bottom lip between hers and suckles it gently. His lips close on her top lip and his tongue peeks out to taste her. It's been so long since he's kissed her, so long that he's dreamt about kissing her again. He already loved her so much, but every day that he's spent with her since he came back, he's fallen more in love with her. They've both evolved, but they have become even more who they are meant to be. No list could ever encompass everything they are to each other. Everything about Sanem is what Can wants; everything about Can is what Sanem wants. They are ready for each other now.

His right arm wraps around her back and holds her tightly against him, and his left hand comes up and grips her upper arm. His eyebrows draw together and his eyes close tighter against the onslaught of emotion he feels for her in that moment. They stand there in the parking lot with their lips locked, kissing for what seems like forever. They don't want to let each other go.

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