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Simply smut.  Rated M. 

Cream, PRN (1991)


She giggles into my neck. "I promise, my love. I'm all yours." She reaches down and gently puts me back in my pants and zips me up. I pull her dress down as far as it will go and frown. She laughs again and kisses my forehead. "Take me home, my husband. I'm not finished with you yet."


This is it

It's time for you to go to the wire

You will hit

'Cause you got the burnin' desire

The car ride is interminable. Poor Can is trying to drive and keep us alive while I can't keep my hands to myself. I don't know what's gotten into me, but I have to keep touching him. My lips need to kiss him--any part of him. We never go more than a week without sex, but today is exactly a week and I feel like I'm starving for him. I'm leaning against his side, practically on top of him. I'm kissing and sucking on his neck--god, he smells so good--and my hand is under his wet shirt, pressed flat against the ridges of his abdominal muscles, my fingers tracing their outline. How I got so lucky as to land a man with a body like his, I don't know, but I will forever be grateful. There's never a time when I look at him and I'm not immediately turned on. I moan --really just because he's so beautiful--and I bite his earlobe and then move to his mouth and start kissing him. "Sanem!" he says into my mouth, his mouth closing on my top lip when he pronounces the "m" at the end of my name because I'm sucking on his bottom lip. He pulls away with a quick kiss to my lips and scolds me, "Sanem, we won't make it home alive if you keep this up, Bebek."

"Can, I can't stop," I say, kissing his face between words. "I can't control myself. I trust you to get us there safe," I tell him as I move my hand to massage the bulge between his legs.

"Ah, Sanem, ah! You're going to kill me...and I will gladly die before I ask you to stop." I smile at him, and he takes his eyes from the road and meets my eyes briefly and winks at me. I laugh because I love him so much and I can't contain my joy. I continue kissing his neck and his ear, but I stay away from his mouth, because he does need to be able to see. Thankfully, we're not far from home.

We return to a quiet, dark house. The rain still falls steadily, enhancing our feeling of insulation against the rest of the world; we're really all alone. Our children spend the occasional night with my parents or Leyla and Emre, but this is a rare thing.

Can opens the door and I enter the house in front of him. His hand is on the small of my back as he follows me in and locks the door behind us. I immediately turn to face him and back him up against the door. He looks a little surprised, though I don't know why anything I do surprises him anymore; he knows to expect the unexpected from me. I think sometimes in his mind I am still the innocent girl I was when we first met, despite all the experience he's had with me that says otherwise. From the first time we were together, Can awakened something in me that can't be tamed. Even after five years of marriage, I can't get enough of him.

My eyes are on his as I move in to kiss him and put my hand on the already-erect bulge in his pants. We attack each other's mouths, tongues tangling, and he moans loudly when I squeeze him. I love feeling how hard he is for me; I love the sense of power I feel knowing that I can control his body. I'm sucking his upper lip and I briefly take time to appreciate how much more lip I can get in my mouth now that he has so much less facial hair. I still miss his beard sometimes, but there are benefits to the way he is now.

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