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Prince's story time is making a comeback! He's still got so many stories left in him. ;) For Sami on her birthday. <3 Enjoy!

Delirious, PRN (1982)

Sanem is restless. She looks out the window that overlooks the driveway, hoping to see his truck pulling up, but there's no sign of him yet.

She walks over to the couch and flops down, leaning her head back against the cushions. She rubs her hands over the gentle swell of her belly and smiles. "I love you, Baby," she says quietly. "Where is your Baba?"


"Can, I don't feel very well. I..." Sanem stopped talking because she had bolted out of her chair to run to the bathroom.

Can followed close behind and found her already on her knees on the bathroom floor, her head over the toilet. He crouched down next to her and pulled her hair back gently with one hand and rubbed her back in soothing circles with the other. This was the fifth morning in a row that she'd been sick at breakfast. "Canım benim, I hate seeing you like this. I'm taking you to the doctor today." She'd refused the doctor every other day, but he was going to insist on it today. He had a feeling he knew what was making her sick, but he didn't give voice to it. He wanted to be sure before he let himself believe it.

She was too weak to argue this time. "Okay," she said in a small voice before another wave of nausea hit her and she was heaving into the toilet again.

"Sanem, I'm so sorry, my love." He wished he could take her suffering for her. There was no pain worse for him than seeing her in pain.

"What's happening to me, Can?" she felt miserable. She was tired all the time, she had no appetite, and nausea wouldn't allow her to keep anything down for the first half of the day. But at night, all she wanted was to pounce Can. Her desire for him was mind-blowing.

He leaned forward and kissed her forehead, smoothing her hair out of her face. "I don't know, bitanem, but we'll figure it out and make you better, okay?" She nodded. She trusted him completely to take care of her. "Do you feel okay now? Do you think you can stand up?"

"Yes, I think it's passed."

He held her elbow and helped her stand up slowly. He propped her up against the counter. "Just stand right there for a moment," he said. He took a washcloth from the cabinet and ran it under warm water from the faucet. He wrung it out and folded it, and carefully wiped her face and neck. "Does that feel better, love?"

Her eyes were closed and she was enjoying his attention. "Yes, Can. Thank you," she said, smiling at him. Suddenly, tears filled her eyes and she was crying.

Can's eyes widened in panic, and he held her face in his hands gently and searched her face. "Sanem! Sanem, are you okay?"

"Cannnn, I just love you so much," she said in a hiccupping sob. She turned her face into his palm and kissed him there. "I don't know why I've been so emotional lately. Everything makes me cry." Sobs overtook her and her shoulders shook and tears streamed down her face.

He kissed her cheeks, her eyelids, her nose, and he pulled her against his chest and kept stroking her hair. She brought her hands up to his chest and clutched his T-shirt in her hands. "Canım, Sanemim. I love you so much, too." He held her until she calmed down and she didn't have any tears left.

"I'm going to brush my teeth and get dressed now," she said, looking up at him with red, swollen eyes.

He wiped the tears from her cheeks with his thumbs and kissed her. "Okay, and I'll call the doctor."

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