Girls & Boys (Part 2 of 2)

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(7/17/2019) Part 2 of 2. Mature content ahead. After today's sad news, all I want to think about is my babies having ALL THE SEX and being happy together forever. I will miss these two more than I can say and they will always be in my heart. C&S, C&D...thank you for the inspiration.


"Sanem. Sanem, I remember."


"Can? Really? Really, you remember?" Sanem tries to blink the water out of her eyes, but the rain is falling faster than she can keep it at bay. She squeezes his face in excitement. Her lashes are spiky and dripping as she tries to keep her eyes open to look at him. He's reminded of the night she told him she loved him more than she loved herself and they kissed in his backyard. He remembers how they ran into the house to escape the sprinklers. He laughs and wipes the water out of her eyes before he gives her a noisy, wet kiss on the lips.

"Yes, canım benim," he says, pinching her cheek. "Yes, I remember you. I remember everything," he kisses her again and then takes her hand in his. "Let's get inside," he says, and pulls her with him inside the hut. He briefly lets her go to close the doors, then his arms are around her again and he's kissing every inch of her face and neck and shoulder that he can reach.

She's smiling like a fool, loving his affectionate attention after so long without it. Her hands are in his hair, and she's craning her neck to the side to give him the hint that she wants some attention there. He moves his face into her neck and rubs his beard against her skin, tickling her. "Can! You remember me--that means you also remember how ticklish I am," she scolds him teasingly.

"I remember," he says, scraping his teeth across her collarbone and giving a series of loud kisses to her neck.

She smacks his shoulder and pulls his head up, suddenly serious. "Look at me, Can. Look at me. I need to see your eyes."

He lifts his head to meet her eyes, and his hands move from her waist around to her back to pull her closer to him. One hand comes up to push back a strand of wet hair that is stuck to her forehead, and then his eyes land on hers again, and they stay there. She searches his eyes, and she sees him--HER Can. A half-sob, half-laugh bursts out of her. She's elated--and so, so relieved. Her eyes brim with fresh tears that stream down her face. She hides her face in his chest and allows herself to cry--big, giant, heart-wrenching sobs. He rubs her back soothingly and makes gentle shushing sounds and coos at her like she's a fussy baby he's trying to calm. She looks up at him smiles through her tears, and she can't stop touching him. She runs her fingers over his face, tracing his eyebrows, the bridge of his nose, his mustache, his lips--just like she did when they were at camp together and she was blindfolded--but this time her eyes are wide open, and she's looking into the face of the man who is her life. "Can. Canım. Canım benim," she says fervently. She holds his face between her hands and she kisses his lips. "You came back to me, Can. You came back," she says, and she kisses him again. "Don't ever leave me again, tamam mı?"

He kisses her this time. "Never. I'll never leave you again, Sanem," Can swears to her. He swoops down, then, and claims her mouth with his. The kiss takes up where they left off before his memory came back to him, but this time it's so much better because his heart is overflowing with love for her. It's strange how he can remember kissing her just a few minutes before and how it felt like the first time he'd ever kissed her, but now he's kissing the love of his life and her taste, her feel is home to him.

They can't get close enough to each other. Her hands are clutching at his back and she's pressing herself to his body, wanting to crawl inside of him and live there forever. He bands his arms around her back and lifts her off her feet. Her legs come up to wrap around his hips, her arms around his neck like a koala bear. "I missed you so much. I thought I'd lost you forever, Can," Sanem says, still kissing him.

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