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This story follows "Cream"--same timeline, but this story comes much later. Can is 40, Sanem is 36. Their oldest child is 9, middle is 7, youngest is 5. This is soooo much smut. Rated M.  Story starts after lyrics.

It, PRN (1987)

I think about IT baby all the time, all right

IT feels so good IT must be a crime, all right

I want to do IT baby every day, all right

In a bed, on the stairs, anywhere, all right

I want to do IT baby all the time, all right

Because when we do IT girl, IT's so divine, all right

I could be guilty for my honesty, all right

But I've got to tell you what you mean to me, all right (all right)

With you I swear, I'm a maniac, all right

You see IT ain't no joke, just a natural fact, all right

I want to do IT baby all the time, all right

Because when we do IT girl, IT's so divine, all right

Doing IT, doing IT, doing IT, doing IT

I could be guilty for my honesty, all right

But I've got to tell you what you mean to me, all right


"Can! Can, open the door quickly, please! I'm so wet!"

She struggled to hold the umbrella over herself and Can while she juggled her purse and Can's carry-on shoulder bag. She was just so tired. It had been pouring since they landed in Rome, and the trip to their villa outside of Florence hadn't been easy. They had rented a car months ago when they planned their anniversary trip, expecting beautiful weather and lovely Tuscan scenery, but instead, they got a record-breaking summer storm, a traffic jam due to a car accident, and pounding rain that made the visibility close to zero. The drive that usually took them four hours had taken them seven. As an added bonus, they'd gotten a flat tire about three hours into their drive. Sanem helped Can change the tire, both of them getting soaked while Can yelled at her the whole time in frustration. She hadn't done anything wrong; on the contrary, she was trying to be helpful. But nothing she did was fast enough or right enough.

He stood up and looked at the sky in exasperation, letting the rain hit his face. "I'm trying my best, Sanem. The key isn't turning for some reason," he said, turning to face her. "And...I'm also getting soaked!" He huffed and turned back to the door.

She glared at his back, readjusting the strap of his heavy bag on her shoulder. "Can, remember the locks were changed? Are you using the new key or the old one?" she asked in her sweetest voice. Their groundskeeper, Luciano, had sent them the new keys last month, and she remembered that night--she had just tucked the kids into bed and Can was looking through the mail. She remembered watching as Can opened the package from Luciano, commenting on the new locks. She remembered watching as he put the new keys on his key ring. She remembered noticing the new keys looked exactly like the old keys. She remembered how she'd meant to tell him to take the old keys off then, but he distracted her when he came over to her and started kissing her neck, whispering about how much he was looking forward to getting her alone for a whole week. She remembered him carrying her into their bedroom...Her photographic memory replayed the rest of that evening in her mind, and she leaned against the side of the house smiling distantly with a dreamy look in her eyes. But then she remembered what an ass her husband had been for the last few hours, and she scowled.

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