Any Time, Any Place (Part 2)

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What happens on the other side of the emergency exit? 

Any Time, Any Place, Janet Jackson (1993)--

In the thunder and rain

You stare into my eyes

I can feel your hand

Movin' up my thighs

Skirt around my waist

Wall against my face

I can feel your lips


I don't wanna stop just because

People walkin' by are watchin' us

I don't give a damn what they think

I want you now...


"Can," she says against my mouth.

"Yes, my love?" I say between kisses. I pull back to look at her. My hands run up and down her back as I take in her face; hooded eyelids, her eyes almost black, flushed cheeks, swollen red lips.

"I was thinking maybe we could...well, you know," she whispers, her lips moving against mine.

I take her hand in mine and lead her to the emergency exit.


Can pushes the emergency exit door open and holds it for Sanem to walk out ahead of him. He doesn't let go of her hand as he closes the door behind them. When he looks back at her, she's smiling at him and he takes her in his arms and kisses her again. She stumbles backward a little and he feels her smile widen against his mouth. He puts his arms around her to hold her steady and he smiles back; her smile always makes him smile, and she gives him five little loud kisses on the lips. Her hands come up to stroke his beard, her index fingers dipping into his dimples, and she sucks his bottom lip between hers and swipes her tongue across it before kissing it again.

"Let's get to the car, Sanem," Can says as she continues to kiss him.

"Mm hmm," she says. She kisses him again and brings her hand up to wrap around the back of his neck, "We should do that."

He starts walking without letting her go, forcing her to walk backwards while they kiss. She giggles and looks up at him with dreamy eyes, like he's the best thing she's ever seen.

"I love you, Can," she tells him, and his heart feels like it will float right up into the sky and take him with it. He knows he was awful to her, and he didn't think he'd ever hear her say those words to him again.

"I love you, too, Sanem. I'm sorry...for everything. I'm so sor--"

Sanem puts her finger on his lips to stop him from talking. "Take me home," she says, bringing his face down to hers again. They're drunk on each other, and they don't notice when a couple walks by them, staring as they make out in the middle of the parking lot.

Can lifts her up off her feet and her legs come up around him and her arms wind around his neck to hold onto him. He walks them toward his truck, and she doesn't stop kissing him. She kisses his lips, his forehead, his cheeks, his ears, his neck. He chuckles at her open affection for him, loving the way she loves him. "Can, I can't stop kissing you," she says, her voice slightly delirious. But suddenly her face is serious and she runs her hand down the side of his face. "I missed you," she says. He tilts his face up to hers and kisses her lips. "Don't ever be angry with me again. Don't ever leave me again, okay?"

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