Slow Love

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Slow Love, PRN (1987)

Young is the night
It feels so right
Now that you're mine
Let's take our time
The man in the moon is smiling
For he knows what I'm dreaming of
Tonight is the night for making slow love
The gentle breeze
It blows with ease
Let's make it slow
Just like the wind blows
Let's make it last forever
For a hundred times won't be enough
Tonight is the night for making slow love
Slow love
So much better when we take it easy
Slow love
So much better when we take our time
Love's in your eyes (in your eyes)
Eyes never lie
Don't rush the feelin'
You've got me reelin'
You can see through race car drivers
Let me show you what I'm made of
Tonight is the night for making slow love


She falls asleep before I do. Her head is turned to the side, facing away from me. Her neck is exposed, tempting me, but I don't want to wake her; she looks so peaceful. Her hands rest on her stomach, and they rise and fall with her slow, gentle breaths. My eyes drink her in like I'm dying of thirst. It's only been an hour since I joined her in her bed and she erected the wall of pillows and blankets between us. I can't resist her, though, and I want more of her—anything she will give me. If it's just looking at her while she sleeps, it's enough. I have to be near her.  The moon shines down on us through her window, illuminating Sanem's delicate features and giving us her blessing.

We made love for the first time the night I ran into the fire to rescue the piece of her I'd always kept with me. It's happened again—and again and again and again. Each time we learn something new about each other, and each time we lie in each other's arms, touching and kissing and talking—we're discovering and rediscovering each other. We're working things out, understanding each other, falling more in love with each other.

We haven't admitted to anyone else or to ourselves that we're back together, so things are complicated. We try to resist each other—we keep saying we really need to talk things out now, we need to give ourselves time, but when we end up in bed together, it's never planned—it just happens because it has to, because we are drawn to each other.  Her place, my place, the boat, her work bench, the pool—we're not picky and she's not shy. I love it—I love her.  Now we're in her childhood bedroom, her parents a room away, and I wonder if I can persuade her to be truly daring with me here in this place.

The gentle breeze coming through her window blows a lock of her hair into her face and I reach up and brush it away from her forehead. I can't help myself anymore—I lean down to press my lips softly against her neck. She stirs and when I raise my head, I find myself looking into her big brown eyes. She's doing that seductive slow blink and she's got a tiny smile on her lush lips that makes my desire to kiss her even more undeniable. Lucky for me, she's thinking the same.


I am dreaming of him. It's a dream that would bring a blush to my skin if I thought about it while I was awake. I feel the brush of his fingers against my face and then the heat of his lips against my neck. It feels so real. I want it to be real. I open my eyes and see the top of Can's head, as his face is buried in the curve of my neck. He looks up at me and when our eyes meet, I know he wants the same thing I want. I almost forget that we're in my parents' home, but I remember—and somehow, it makes me want him even more.

He looks at me in that intense way he does, bringing his face so close to mine that I can feel the warmth of his lips radiating against my lips—it's like he has his own magnetic field and I'm drawn in. Our eyes are locked together, but then they start their dance back and forth from eyes to lips. He gently nudges my nose with his and brushes his lips against mine back and forth feather soft so they just barely touch.  I put my hand on the back of his head, gripping his hair, and pull him closer, our lips more fully pressing against each other. We kiss for a long time in a slow exploration of lips, our eyes still open and looking at each other—were not ready to break that connection yet.

My eyes drift closed as I suck his bottom lip between my lips  and he moans and pushes the wall I made to separate us out of the way to lean over me and push his chest against mine and get closer. His leg comes between mine and I wind my arms around his neck. Our lips and tongues continue their slow exploration as he wraps his arm around me and holds me closer to him. I rotate my hips against him and he pushes his free hand up under my LALALA pajama top and finds my breasts. He strokes my sensitive flesh with his beautiful long fingers, flicking my hard nipple over and over. His touch sparks the clenching between my legs and I push my hips up against him, trying to get his hardness where I want it. He moves so he's fully on top of me, settled between my legs, and I let out a whimper of frustration at the fabric that still separates us.  "Can," I whisper. He looks at me and understands. He grabs the hem of my shirt and pulls it up over my head. I'm left in my pajama pants, and Can is fully dressed. I think it's unfair, so I pull his shirt up and he takes it off for me.

He holds me close, and it feels so good to have him against me, skin-to-skin. I run my hands up and down his back, delighting in the feel of his smooth skin. I dig my fingers into his firm muscles and he groans in pleasure. "Mmm, Sanem. Your touch is so perfect."  I love touching him, and I'm glad that he lets me have my way with him.

He sits back on his heels to look at me. His right hand comes up to caress my face, and then drifts slowly down my jaw, my neck, between my breasts, down my stomach, to the waistband of my pants. He brings his other hand up and hooks his fingers under the band and tugs my pants and panties  down my legs and off, tossing them to the side.  


I take her left foot in my hands and massage the sole, digging my thumbs into her arch. She closes her eyes and a sound of pleasure escapes her throat. I bring her foot to my mouth and start kissing my way up her leg. I lower it to the bed and make my way up her thighs, alternating my kisses between her left and right legs. She's squirming under me and I know she's having a hard time keeping quiet. She's usually quite vocal and I smile at the difficult spot she's in. To tease her even more, I bite her sensitive  inner thigh, just under the juncture of her legs.  She squeals slightly and slaps her hand over her mouth.  Then I lick my way up to her core and push my tongue fast and hard against her swollen clit. She makes a desperate gurgling sound and pulls my hair hard. I smile wider and keep at it. I wonder how quiet she can keep herself when her orgasm hits. I push two fingers into her and pump them in and out slow and deep. Her breathing is coming fast and shallow and her hips are moving without coordination against my face and hand. She's about to come and I pull my fingers out of her and move my tongue to lap at her entrance in anticipation.  Her back bows off the bed and she squeezes my hand with one of her hands and pulls my hair with the other.  She tries her best to not make any sounds, but she can't help the quiet moan that escapes with the breath she releases as her body is wracked with wave after wave of pleasure. Her body shudders under mine and I continue to lick her gently until her body relaxes. I lift my head and lick my lips as I move up her body to kiss her mouth. She tangles her hands in my hair and her tongue in my mouth as she kisses me deeply, tasting her own flavor on my lips and tongue.

I pull away from her to look into her eyes. I gently push her hair away from her face and I hike her right leg up to wrap around my waist and she drapes her left leg over my right thigh. I line myself up at her entrance with my hand and I push into her slowly until I'm buried to the hilt inside of her tight wet heat. We move in slow, shallow thrusts against each other. We kiss and touch and whisper "I love you" into each other's skin. The gentle wind still blows in through the window, cooling our heated bodies, and we match its rhythm. My release builds slowly and rolls through me like a calm wave hitting a white sand beach. She comes with me, holding on to my face with both hands as she kisses me.

I pull out of her slowly and we lie on our sides, facing each other, our legs tangled together. "Can, I can't believe we did this with my parents right next door."

"I'd do it a hundred times more, bir tanem," I tell her as I stroke her hair and kiss her nose.

She pushes me onto my back and straddles me. "Let's start with one more time right now," she says, just before she leans down to kiss me again.

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