Pink Cashmere (Part 4 of 4)

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Part 4 of 4, in which Yigit pays the piper and Can and Sanem are reunited and happy and healthy for all eternity. OMG, this is SO LONG and I'm sorry. I'm not great with actual story-telling outside of the realm of smut (LOL), so I'm not sure how I did with the pacing here. I'd appreciate your feedback on that (but be gentle...haha)! 

@louisababs19,  Thank you for being my medical consultant,  and @TAS_130, thanks for the pre-read and awesome advice. 

Rated M.

Pink Cashmere, PRN (1993)

Oh, here I go again

Falling in love all over

Oh, the cycle never ends

You just pray you don't get burned

Oh, this fire inside of me

Don't nobody realize

Oh, what you are to me

But baby you got to learn

I'm making you a coat of pink cashmere

You got to know how I feel about you

How I always want you near

I'm making you a coat of pink cashmere

I'm counting every minute of every hour

'Til you are here


Can swerves off the road into a small clearing, hoping the added friction of the rough terrain will slow his truck down before he reaches the thicket of trees, but it doesn't. He has nowhere safe to go, and his truck rams into a large, solid tree at full speed. The airbag is deployed, but that doesn't stop his body from being thrown forward, or his head from hitting the windshield.

When the ambulance pulls up to the scene minutes later, Can is unconscious, blood seeping from the wound in his head.


Sanem grabs a large fluffy towel from the rack by the shower and brings it up to her face. She inhales Can's manly scent and closes her eyes, imagining the way his body felt against hers last night--all four times. She still can't believe it. She examines herself in the mirror, still holding his towel up against her face. She notices a couple of deep red marks on her neck and gets closer to the mirror. "Oh, my god! He gave me hickies!" she said out loud. "But I kind of love them," she whispers, like she's telling herself a secret. She remembers exactly what his mouth felt like when he sucked her neck hard and deep, and she feels herself getting wet, already ready for him again. Where is he? He's been gone longer than she expected he'd be.

She hears her phone ringing in Can's bedroom, and she wraps his towel around herself and tucks in the end to secure it. She runs to her phone to catch it before it stops ringing. She's hoping it's Can calling to say he's on his way back.

She looks at her phone to see who's calling; she doesn't recognize the number. She slides the green phone icon to accept the call and puts the phone to her ear. "Hello?" she answers.

"Sanem Aydin?" the voice asks.

"Yes, speaking," Sanem answers. She's nervous now.

"Hello, Sanem hanım. My name is Seda. I'm a nurse at Istanbul Florence Nightingale Hospital. I got your number from the phone of Mr. Can Divit. He's a relation of yours?"

Sanem's heart drops into her stomach and she feels sick. "Is he okay? Please tell me he's okay! He's my...he's my boyfriend."

Seda pauses. "I see," she says quietly. "Unfortunately, he's been in a serious car accident and was brought here by ambulance with a head wound. He's unconscious, but we are hopeful that he will recover. Your number was the last he called, so that's why I'm calling you. He's in room 116 in the D wing."

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