I Love U in Me

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Rated M for sexy times--because on the third anniversary of his death (April 21, 2016), everyone should celebrate that Prince was the best at sexy times. <3

I Love U in Me, PRN (1989)

"She took off her dress, and I took a peek

While thunderstorm played hide and seek

I begged for a kiss, she gave me seven

Our lips touched and it feel like heaven"

I'm exhausted. We shot on location today in the mountains. We had arrived before sunrise so we would have as much time as possible to work with the right light. The project we were working on was complicated. As soon as I put out one fire, something else went wrong that required my attention. There was nothing to be done about it; everyone was working hard and Deren and CeyCey did all they could to help. By the time we wrapped up and packed everything away, it was well after sunset. The set was a two-hour drive from home and there was a thunderstorm coming. Most of the crew and agency employees stayed at a local hotel to avoid driving in the rain, but I have to get home. I don't want to be away from Sanem overnight.

When I pull into the driveway, it's already almost midnight, and fat raindrops fall in a steady rhythm from the turbulent clouds in the sky. I run to the house and unlock the door quickly, juggling the equipment and bags I hold in my arms. I hope she's not asleep, but I know she will be. Sure enough, when I open the door and set my things down on the floor, I see she's fallen asleep on the sofa. The lamp next to the sofa is still on, and so is the television. I walk over and turn off the TV before I sit on the coffee table and just look at her. It strikes me, as it does every day, how lucky I am to have her. She's curled up on her side, with one hand tucked under the pillow under her head, and the other tucked under her chin. She's still in the dress she wore to work, but her feet are bare and I can see that she's hastily pulled her hair into a messy bun, as is her habit when she comes home for the day. A loose tendril of her hair falls across her cheek, and I reach up to tuck it behind her ear. My touch wakes her and she opens her eyes and smiles. "Can?"

"I'm sorry I woke you, bir tanem," I say quietly, my hand still playing with her hair.

She brings her hand up to cover mine and turns her face into my palm and places a kiss there. "I'm glad you did. I tried to wait up for you." She sits up on the couch and faces me. She brings her hands to my face and her fingers comb through my heavy beard. She loves my beard. I shaved it off once and she said she loved being able to see my face and feel my smooth skin against hers when we were cheek to cheek. But I know she missed it because her fingers still acted as if it were still there whenever she touched my face. I grew it back for her immediately. I still feel smug satisfaction when I remember the beard burn I left on her skin when my beard was still short and rough. The delicate skin around her mouth, her neck, her breasts, her inner thighs--her skin told the story of where my mouth had been and I loved it. And from the way I'd catch her looking at herself in the mirror with a Mona Lisa smile as she ran her fingertips over the redness, I think she loved it, too.

She brings me out of my reverie with a kiss. Her lips are so soft against mine, and her tongue traces the seam of my mouth, asking for entrance. I open for her and her tongue finds mine before running over my teeth and the roof of my mouth. I suck and nibble her bottom lip--I'm obsessed with her bottom lip--and she moans beautifully. She pulls her mouth from mine and presses soft kisses across my cheek to my ear. Her tongue traces the shell of my ear before she whispers, "Take me to bed, Can."

I lean forward and put my hands on her bottom and I lift her up. Her legs immediately wrap around my waist and lock at the ankles, and her arms come up around my neck and she holds onto me tightly, my little koala. Her face nuzzles my neck as I walk us to our bedroom at the back of the house.

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