The Continental (Tell Me How You Want to be Done), Part 2

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The nitty gritty... 


"I'll finish whatever I start, my love...eventually," he said, and he kissed her cheek, her jaw, and then pushed her hair back to kiss the space behind her ear. "We have all night for you to decide what you want. You're going to tell me how you want me to love you tonight," he said into her ear, his voice low. His words sent a bolt of desire straight between her legs and she throbbed in response. He continued whispering in her ear, "I'm so proud of you. You're incredible, and I want to give you anything you want." Sanem shuddered visibly as he went on, "Think about where you want my hands, where you want my mouth. How do you want me to touch you? What do you want to feel?"


Sanem sat in the passenger's side of Can's truck, her shiny new trophy in her hands, while Can drove. They rode in comfortable silence, both of them lost in their thoughts. Can kept sneaking sideways glances at her, wondering what she was thinking about--though he was willing to bet she was thinking about what he'd said to her before they left for the awards dinner. He knew he was. All evening--in between the moments of the pure pride he felt in her accomplishments--he wondered if she'd be brave enough to tell him what she wants--and what she'd ask for. He'd give her anything, with pleasure.

They'd been having sex for just a little over two weeks now--since the night of the fire--and Sanem's education in the pleasures of the flesh had moved along quickly...because they wanted each other all the time. If they were alone, they were all over each other. There wasn't a time when he looked at her and he didn't want to bury his face between her legs or his cock deep inside of her. The wanting wasn't just because the sex was amazing--which it was; it was because words weren't enough anymore and they needed to show each other how they felt.

Sanem looked over at Can while he was looking at her and their eyes met. He smiled at her in that way that made her heart melt, and she couldn't help but smile back. "Can, thank you for going with me. It meant so much to me to have you there."

"Are you kidding? I wouldn't miss it. I'm so happy that your talent is being recognized. You deserve it," he said, and he reached over to squeeze her fingers in his. She lifted his hand to her lips and kissed across his knuckles reverently. Then she moved her cheek back and forth over the back of his hand, her eyes closed. His hand opened and turned in hers so he held her cheek in his palm. His thumb gently caressed her cheekbone and she turned her face into his palm and kissed it. His heart thundered in his chest. He just loved her so much. "Sanem," he whispered.

She looked into his eyes and said, "Can, I need you right now." He squeezed her fingers again before letting go and turning his attention back to the road. They were almost home.


Can unlocked the door and held it open for her to enter first. She walked past him and set her trophy down on the kitchen island and shrugged out of her jacket. When she turned around, he was standing right in front of her. He set the keys down next to her trophy. His hands went to her bare shoulders and trailed up and down her arms slowly. Her skin was flawless, and he luxuriated in the silky feel of it under his hands. Sanem held Can's face in her hands and his eyes locked with hers. "Kiss me, Can. Nice and slow. Start with just your lips; I want to memorize the feeling of your lips against mine." He bent his head and touched his lips to hers softly. He moved his head, deepening the pressure of the kiss. He grazed his lips back and forth against her mouth, the touch becoming firmer with every stroke. He pressed sweet little lingering kisses all across her top lip, her bottom lip, the corners of her mouth. He started to cross the line a little when he took her bottom lip between his. He used every ounce of self control not to let his tongue come out to sweep across her lip. She smiled against his lips and her fingers scratched through his beard. "Give me your tongue now, Can--and your teeth," she murmured into his mouth. "I love it when you suck on my bottom lip. Mmm..especially when you bite me."

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