Girls & Boys (Part 1 of 2)

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Part 1, rated T.  Part 2 will be rated M.  Story starts after lyrics.  A lighthearted song to bring levity to this heavy situation between our lovebirds.  Can is full of angst, but he isn't blind. ;)

Girls and Boys, PRN (1986)

He only knew her for a little while,

But he had grown accustomed to her style

She had the cutest ass he'd ever seen

He did too, they were meant to be

They loved to kiss on the steps of Versailles

It looked like rain, mama, birds do fly

I love you baby, I love you so much,

Maybe we can stay in touch

Meet me in another world, space and joy,

Vous etes tres belle, mama, girls and boys

He gave her all the love that anyone can,

But she was promised to another man

He tried so hard not to go insane

Birds do fly, looks like rain

I love you baby, I love you so much,

Maybe we can stay in touch

Meet me in another world, space and joy,

Vous êtes très belle, mama, girls and boys

Life is precious baby, love is so rare

I can take the breakup if you say that you care

He had to run away, his pride was too strong

It started raining, baby, the birds were gone

so like I saw you from across the room, and

honey, you danced so hard I smelled your perfume

and the look on your lips said that

we could talk some more on the dance floor baby

Hear the words I'm saying, feel the sex I'm laying

Naughty's what I want to be with you tonight

She holds her hand out for him, and he takes it and steps closer to her. She puts her hands on his shoulders, and they begin to sway slowly to the music. He vaguely notices the sky has become gray with heavy rain clouds, and that the birds are flying with purpose overhead. As they begin their dance, Sanem is being careful with him; he can tell she's trying so hard not to be as intimate as she wants to be. She wants to wrap her arms around his neck and kiss him there; she wants to hold him tightly against her, but she can't--he doesn't know her. She can't make eye contact with him because she can't bear to see his eyes devoid of feeling for her. So she lays her head against his chest, closes her eyes, and just enjoys having him close to her. She hopes he'll remember her.

He still doesn't remember, but her fragrance hits him and she smells incredible. He doesn't remember, but her scent is familiar--the feel of her in his arms is familiar. He dips his head to breathe deeply from her neck, and, oh, her scent is intoxicating. And she feels so right in his arms, her pretty little head against his chest, her small hands gripping his shirt. He doesn't want to tell her he still can't remember, and he also doesn't want to give her hope by letting her know her scent is familiar--her feel is familiar. God, if this dance is any indication of what their relationship was like, he wants to remember. He sees now--this is who she is; this is who they are together.

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