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This is a C. Divit-focused story set in the time he spent away from Sanem. Story after lyrics.

Solo, Prince (1994)

So low, the curb looks like a skyscraper

So high, the stars are under me

So quiet, I can hear the blood rushing through my veins

So low, I feel like I'm going insane

The angels, they watched in wonder

When you made love to me

Through the rain and the thunder

You cried in ecstasy

And you were so kind

I felt sorry for all creation

Because at the time, no one was lucky

No 1 was lucky, no 1 was lucky as me

And now you're gone and I just want to be still

So silent, I'll just let my senses sleep

It's gonna be so hard to hear my voice

If I ever learn once more to speak

I'm so lost, no one can find me

And I've been looking for so long

But now I'm done

I'm so low, solo, my name is No One


I'm drifting in the dark. I'm alone, surrounded by water and sky. I can't see land from where I am. It's well past midnight, but I can't sleep. I can hear my heartbeat pumping my blood through my veins; in the quiet and stillness of the night, the sound is deafening. It reminds me that I am alive; since I lost her I can't feel my heart beating anymore. I lie on my back on the deck, looking up at the sky, crowded with stars. Their ancient light shines down on me and I remember what she said that night so long ago--that when she looks up at the sky, she feels like a grain of sand in this vast world. I understand what she meant, but she was wrong...she is not just a grain of sand; she is the whole world, and in her world, I am the one who's nothing more than a grain of sand. I feel like I'm being buried by the immense weight of the sky bearing down on me; it crushes my lungs and I feel like I can't breathe. At the same time, I'm being swallowed up by the pull of the ocean beneath me, and I'm no longer in control of myself. I'm numb and I just follow the current, uncaring of where I will end up.

The memories come unbidden, just as they do every night. They flay me, exposing my raw nerves, and I welcome the pain; I know I deserve it. I hurt her and I destroyed her trust and I hate myself for it.

Her smile always appears first. God, her smile could light up the whole world. If I close my eyes tightly enough, I can hear her laugh. I can hear her voice, so tender and sweet, telling me she loves me and an invisible fist closes around my heart and squeezes.

I remember our last night at the hut together. We were outside in the garden when, suddenly, the skies opened up and heavy rain came pouring down on us. We weren't dressed for wet weather, and we were both soaked. We were drenched in seconds, and we looked at each other and laughed hysterically. Seeing her all wet, drops of water running down her face and clinging to her lashes, I was reminded of the night she first told me she loved me. I stopped laughing and took her face in my hands. Our lips met and lightning flashed through the sky and thunder roared, echoing the beating of my heart. I kissed her with all the love I felt for her. She stood on her tiptoes and wrapped her arms tightly around my neck, angling her head to deepen the kiss. I banded my arms around her back and held her against my body, loving the feel of her soft curves against me.

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