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Alternate ending for 47, because I just really want to pretend the actual ending doesn't exist. Rated M.  How many different ways can their first time be written? hahaha

Space (Universal Love Remix), PRN (1993)

How did I get in this predicament?

How did I get in this jam?

The person that they accuse me of being of

That's not the one I really am

I am the one that really loves you

With all my mind body and soul

With every stroke of my brush

I wanna paint a wall around you

So that you will never know

All the pain that a human has to go through

In a planet that's so bitter and cold

Universal love awaits you, baby

All you gotta say is that you really really really wanna go

And we're outta here

Can stands in the doorway of the Aydins' kitchen and watches Sanem crumble as her mother tells her that she can't give her blessing for their two-year sailing trip around the world...for their relationship. "It's your life, my daughter...your decision," Mevkibe tells Sanem. "I do not support this decision. But if you're happy, then I'm happy, too. You are my soul," she says vehemently, "I will destroy the one who dares to hurt my soul." She turns her head towards him, but still looks at Sanem, "Know that," she says, and then she walks away. Can takes those words for the threat that they are, and he knows she means for him to hear her.

Can understands where Mevkibe is coming from, but it still hurts to hear the woman he thought of as his own mother to speak of him with such disdain. He's a different person now than he was when he left. There's no excuse for the hurt he caused Sanem, and it kills him everytime he thinks about it, but he knows he will never do that to her again. He loves her more than his own life, with everything in him. He knows he needs to prove himself to Mevkibe and Nihat and make them trust him again, but right now is not the time; emotions are running high and no good can come of an attempt to reason with them. Right now, he is here for Sanem...only for her. 

Sanem's parents are so important to her, and it breaks Can's heart to think about how much she's hurting right now. While they were driving here, she was hopeful that her parents would see how happy she is to be with him and that all would be forgiven--or at least that they would try for her sake. Can knew it would be difficult to face them, but he is sure Sanem didn't expect this harsh reaction to their news. He doesn't want her to feel she has to choose between him and her parents. He wants to take her away from all this--to build a wall of love and protection around her so she never has to hurt. He wants to make it his entire life's purpose to ensure she always feels happy and loved.  The most important thing to him is that she knows how much love he has for her, and he can't wait to show her the happy life that waits for them if they can just believe in each other.

After Mevkibe leaves, Can approaches Sanem. He touches her face, gently wiping her tears away, trying to reassure her with his touch. She gives her best effort to smile for him and let him know she appreciates him. "Shall we go?" she asks.

He nods, but as she turns to walk away, he slides his hand down her arm to hold her hand and stop her. "Sanem," he says, looking at her with wide, sad eyes, "Should we change our minds about this?"

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