Jack U Off

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Rated M.  Silly and naughty, because I'm still emotionally exhausted from watching episode 39.

Jack U Off - Prince (1981)

"If we can't find no place to go

Girl, I'll take you to a movie show,

we can sit in the back

And I'll jack you off" 

Sanem has been craving Can all day. She strides into his office at the end of the day and grabs his hand while he's typing. "Let's go," she says, "now."

He raises his head from his computer screen to look at her. He's about to scold her for interrupting his work, but he changes his mind when he sees the look on her face--her cheeks are flushed, her pupils dilated, her eyelids heavy--she wants him. His lips pull into a knowing smirk and he raises his eyebrow at her questioningly as he closes his laptop with his free hand. "Right now, hayatım?"

"Right now, Can. Right. Now," she says, pulling on his hand for emphasis.

Can smiles at her and hastily shoves his laptop into his bag with one hand and grabs his keys. "Let's go, then," he says, pulling his hand free and wrapping it around her waist to walk with her to the garage.

When they reach the car, Can reaches down and grabs her hand, bringing it to his mouth for a kiss. "How about a movie?" he says against her fingers. He raises his eyebrows at her and bites the fleshy side of her hand before soothing the sting of his teeth with his tongue.

Sanem inhales sharply and feels her core clench with need at the feel of Can's mouth on her. "Tamam," she says, meeting his eyes and smiling at him, "a movie sounds fun. Something romantic?" she asks, batting her eyelashes at him.

Can laughs at her antics. "Anything you want, tatlım. I just want to be near you," he whispers in her ear, "in the dark." Sanem has somehow ended up with her back against Can's truck, his body caging her in. Can takes her hands and puts them behind her back, flat against the truck. He's brushing his nose against hers and she can feel his breath against her cheek. She tilts her head slightly up and closes her eyes, ready for him to kiss her. He doesn't disappoint her; he closes the distance between them and touches his lips to hers. The kiss starts sweet and warm, but quickly gains heat as he sucks her top lip into his mouth and she does the same with his bottom lip. He moans loudly, and she smiles against him; she loves that she can make this big, strong, beautiful man moan for her. Can and Sanem are lost in each other until they hear the ding of the elevator and they jump apart, "Yes, Can, uh...we should go," Sanem says, running to the other side of the truck to get in, not wanting whoever was in the elevator to suspect what they'd been doing.

"Evet. We don't want to be late," Can says, clearing his throat and climbing into his side of the truck.


Can and Sanem buy tickets to the movie that happens to be starting next--they don't really care what it is--and they buy popcorn and drinks to share and make their way to the theater. When they enter, the lights are still on and they can clearly see that there are only very few people scattered throughout the theater. "Sanem, which movie did we buy tickets for? It must not be very popular," Can chuckles.

"I've never heard of it, Can," she snickers. "This is better for us, though, isn't it?" She stands on tiptoe to kiss his cheek. "I didn't plan on paying much attention, anyway," she says before turning away from him to look for the perfect seats. Can's heart speeds up a little and his pants feel a little tighter as he watches her start up the stairs. She chooses the very last row. He follows her up, not taking his eyes from the sway of her hips as she climbs.

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