Shhh (Part 2)

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Just sex. That's it; that's all. Part 2 of the Lisatober celebration! :)


We had an argument. Again. It seems like there is always something to argue about, something to worry about. Sometimes, I almost don't recognize him; when he confronted Yigit about his suspicions at the wedding, I was so embarrassed--not just for me, but for him, too. He's making himself seem like he's a crazy jealous boyfriend. And then other times he's so sweet and so thoughtful...he's my Can. I never know who I should expect anymore.

The ride home is quiet. I'm so confused. I just want him to be himself again; I just want us to be us again. I see him looking over at me with his sad puppy eyes, willing me to say something, but I don't. I know he's sorry, and I know he feels bad about what happened at the wedding, but I'm not ready to talk. Can's been jealous, paranoid, suspicious--and nothing I do or say to put his mind at ease seems to work for long--he's only temporarily appeased before something new happens to set him off.

We pull up in front of the house and he gets out and runs over to my side of the truck to open the door for me before I can. "Teşekkürler," I say quietly, and take the hand he offers to help me out of the truck. He doesn't let go of my hand as we walk to the door, and I let him hold it.

Leyla and Emre left the reception hall before we did; I expect that they're already in their room for the night. Huma is staying in a hotel tonight, and I say a silent prayer of thanks for that. I could have gone home--maybe I should have gone home--but I feel like I need to stay close to Can. Our relationship is so fragile right now, I feel like I need to stay close to him so his mind won't wander to dangerous places. I know what will happen when we are in the house and finally alone, and we both need it.

He opens the door and motions for me to enter in front of him, so I do. I walk down the hall and stop next to the large dining table. He comes up behind me and wraps his arms around me and rests his chin on my shoulder. Right now there's a band-aid over the gaping wound that is our relationship, but as long as we can touch each other, we're okay. He kisses my cheek, my temple, my ear, my neck, and I can feel myself start to melt against him. It doesn't matter how mad I am at him, I can never resist him.

He pulls my body back against his, and I feel that he's already hard. I fleetingly acknowledge the power that makes me feel, and my lips stretch into a smile. He stands up straight and steps away from me a little to remove the pins from my hair and toss them onto the table. He runs his fingers through my hair, scratching his nails lightly against my scalp, until it's all free and loose, and I close my eyes in appreciation--I love when he plays with my hair.

His arms come around me again and his hands run down my body to gather the hem of my dress and pull it up to my waist. We're out in the open and Leyla and Emre could come out any time. "Can, what are you doing?" I ask, turning my head slightly to look back at him.

"Shhh," he says. His hand slides into the waistband of my panties and his fingers glide through my wet folds and circle my clit.

I feel a blush creep up my chest to my neck and face. "Can. So hot," I say, my hand coming up to my cheek. He is sucking on my neck and my head falls back against his shoulder.

"Let me help you with that," he says. He reaches up and takes the tab of my zipper between his fingers and pulls it all the way down. He grabs the bottom of my dress in both hands again and, this time, pulls it up over my head, leaving me in just my panties and heels.

"Can! Not out here," I whisper. I cover my chest with my hands, and he pulls them away and replaces them with his own. He rubs his face against my neck, his beard scratching my sensitive skin while he kneads my breasts with his long, beautiful fingers. He shifts his hold on me slightly and rubs his thumbs back and forth across my hard nipples. I whimper helplessly, and we both know there's no way I'm stopping him now. My head falls back again, and I raise my hand to hold onto the back of his neck.

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