A Knuxouge Wedding

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Chapter 1: A Knuxouge Wedding
(A.K.A. Cobalt Rose Chapter 26)
1 Month Later
It was the day of Knuckles and Rouge's wedding. The Echidna would of never guessed that he would actually marry Rouge, seeing how they first met, but over time, he began to fall for her, and bam, here they are now, about to be married within the hour.
Knuckles began to feel butterflies in his stomach, as well as a hand on his shoulder.
The hand belonged to his Best Man, Sonic, who was also getting married in a few months.
"Hey, Knux, you ok?" Sonic asked.
"Y-yeah, just a little n-nervous, that's all." Knuckles said, nervousness in his tone, obviously. "You'll know what it feels like pretty soon."
Sonic blushed at that statement.

"I know. I'll probably be shaking like a leaf on a tree." Sonic answered. "But today isn't about me, it's about you and Rouge, so focus."
"Right, right, but overall, I'm ready to marry Rouge." Knuckles said with a sudden boost of confidence.
"Well, it's time, Knux, let's roll." Sonic responded.
Knuckles lost some confidence as he slowly walked toward the door.
Sonic silently chuckled.
The wedding began.
Knuckles walked to the alter. While he stood there waiting for Rouge, he scanned the crowd to see anyone he hadn't seen in a while, and he found that person; his mother, Laura-Le, along with his half-brother, Kneecaps. He couldn't believe it! His mom actually made it to his wedding.
Then, music started playing, signaling Rouge's arrival.
He began to get nervous all over again.
Rouge, walked out by Vanilla since no one knew the whereabouts of her parents, began to make her way toward the alter, smiling at him as she got closer.
He smiled back, still nervous.

Rouge arrived as all went quiet.
The Priest began.
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the Holy Matrimony of Knuckles the Echidna and Rouge the Bat. Is there anyone here that objects to this marriage? Speak now, or forever hold your peace."
No one said a word.
"Ok then, we will now move on to the vows. We'll start with the groom."
"Rouge, I would of never guessed that I would be here marrying you the first time I met you, but I'm glad I am. I feel like I finally found someone who understands me. I love you, Rouge." Knuckles smiled kindly.
"And now for the bride."
"Knuckles, I fell in love with you the first time I saw you, and those feeling never changed. Those time where I would steal the Master Emerald, a good bit of me just wanted to come see you. I love you, Knuckles." Rouge slightly teared up.
"Now then, Knuckles, do you take Rouge to be your wife?"
"I do."
"And do you, Rouge, take Knuckles to be your husband?"
"I do."
"Then, with the power invested in me, I now pronounce you Echidna and Bat. You may kiss the bride."
Knuckles wasted no time as he presses his lips upon Rouge's as the kiss sealed the marriage. Everyone began to clap, showing their congratulations to the new couple. Knuckles scooped Rouge in his arms and walked passed their Best Man and Maid of honor, Sonic and Amy, respectively, and made their way out.
At the Reception
Everyone was hanging out, having a good time, talking, eating, dancing, so on, so forth.
Knuckles and Rouge were dancing, as the newlyweds usually do, while Sonic and Amy (who are still the stars of this story, don't worry) were having punch.
"Oh, Sonic, this is going to be us in a few months." Amy daydreamed about her and Sonic's future wedding.
"Yep, but I'm glad Knuckles and Rouge finally tied the knot." Sonic said.
"Me, too." Amy added, looking down at her stomach, which isn't too noticeable of her being pregnant, and Sonic looking down at her stomach as well.
"I'm sure the baby will be happy too." Sonic smiled.
"I'm sure it will be too, I can't wait to figure out out what the sex will be."
"Me either." Sonic replied as he placed his hand around Amy.

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