Amy's Parents Part 1

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Chapter 11: Amy's Parents Part 1
(A.K.A. Proud Parents in Pink Part Numero Uno: It's just like last time, Amy's actual parents don't appear until the next chapter!)
Next Day
"Sonic, my parents want to meet you." Amy told Sonic out of the blue while they were sitting on the couch watching TV.
Sonic froze.
"Uhh, well, yeah, sure, I'm down." Sonic answered with nervousness in his tone.
"Sonic, there's no need to be nervous. My parents love you already."
"Yeah. They know about all the times you've saved the world, saved people, and saved me. They can't wait to meet you!" Amy pointed out. "Also, they'll be here tonight."
"What?" Sonic froze again.
"Oh, Sonic." Amy kissed his cheek. "I promise you it'll be ok."
"Do they know about Sarah?"
"Of course they do. That's the main reason why they're coming over. Well, that and to somewhat help with what's left of the wedding planning." Amy answered. "Like I said, it's ok, Sonic." She hugged him. "I'm going to check on Sarah, so get cleaned up for dinner." Amy told him.
Sonic smiled and went to wash his hands.

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