Lunch with the boys

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Chapter 2: Lunch with the Boys
(A.K.A. Team Sonic hanging out, how cliché)
Station Square Diner, nearby Casinopolis, 2 Weeks Later
Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles were eating lunch at the diner that was just on the outskirts of the casino.
Sonic was having his usual Chili dog, along with fries and a Chaos Cola, Tails was eating a Bacon Cheeseburger, fries, and a mint chocolate milkshake, and Knuckles was having a slice of pizza with a Chaos Cola.
The girls were out discussing baby stuff for Amy.
"Why are they shopping for baby stuff if they don't know its gender?" Knuckles asked, taking a bite of his pizza.
"Beats me, Knux. I don't understand it either." Sonic answered.
"It's a girl thing." Tails added.
"Yep." Knuckles put in. "Also, Rouge is pregnant."
Sonic about spit soda on the cashier.
"Sorry." Sonic smiled apologetically, then looked at Knuckles. "For how long?"
"Our wedding night." Knuckles blushed.
"So now we have two pregnant girls on our hands." Sonic chuckled.
"Sonic, have you learned the basics of taking care of a baby?" Tails then asked.
"What do you mean?"
"Changing a diaper, how to get a baby to stop crying, etc."
"Well, uh..." Sonic stuttered.
"Don't panic, Sonic, you have time to learn, same with you, Knuckles." Tails said.
"I hope." Knuckles then had a worried expression on his face.
"Don't worry, Knux, we'll learn together." Sonic assured him. Knuckles nodded at him.
"Yeah, we got this! We'll be great fathers!" Knuckles exclaimed.

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