A Promise Fulfilled

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Chapter 18: A Promise Fulfilled
(A.K.A. Heads Up, there's a lemon in this chapter!)
A Few Days Later
Robert and Amanda were standing at the door, getting ready to leave.
"Don't look sad, Amy." Amanda said. "We'll be back in 3 weeks for the wedding."
"I know, but any child gets sad when their parents leave." Amy said, hugging her parents. "Love you, guys."
"We love you, too." Robert answered.
"So long, Sonic. Nice meeting you." Amanda called out as she and Robert left.
"Same here. Come back any time."
Sonic and Amy waved good bye as the Rose couple got into the taxi that I didn't mention until now and rode off into the horizon.
(Told you, didn't I?)
Sonic and Amy walked back inside where Amy pressed her lips upon his just seconds after he closed the door.
"Getting a little frisky, huh, Ames?" Sonic said when Amy broke the kiss.
"Do you not remember what I said when my parents got here?" Amy said in a seductive tone as she traced her finger on Sonic's chest.
"Yea, I remember all right."

Sonic kissed Amy to get things started.
You already know where this is going. Plus, you were already warned. Continue at your own will. You were warned for a 2nd time!
Amy returned the kiss as Sonic led her to the couch.
"Sonic, let's do it here." Amy said, voice full of lust.
Sonic kissed Amy again, licking her bottom lip, wanting entrance, in which Amy granted as her tongue began to wrestle Sonic's, causing the duo to both moan in pleasure. He unzipped her dress, revealing her pink body, but the blue blur was currently only looking at her chest.
"I swear, Amy, you get sexier every time I see you." Sonic panted.
"Prove it." Amy whispered seductively as she she undid her bra.
"Don't be too loud, or else you'll wake up Sarah." Sonic said as he began to kiss down Amy's neck.
"I'll try, oooh, Sonic, keep that up!" Amy moaned in pleasure.
Sonic made his way to Amy's breasts where he proceeded to bite, suck and lick his wife's nipples, and she almost actually screamed in pleasure to the top of her lungs.
"Sonic, I think I might of cummed a little." Amy blushed.
"Well, Amy, it won't be the last time tonight that you do." Sonic smirked.

Amy smirked back.
"Now let me repay the favor." Amy said as she scooted down to Sonic's waist as she began to 'repay the favor'.
After Sonic came, he looked at the pink hedgehog and asked: "You ready?"
Amy pulled down her panties as Sonic went to work, thrusting in and out of Amy's pussy.
"Faster, Sonikku, faster." Amy panted.
Sonic increased his thrusting speed until he was on edge.
"Ames, I'm close."
"M-me too, oh, S-SONIC!"
They cummed simultaneously.
"I love you, Amy." Sonic said, out of breath.
"I love you, too, Sonic." Amy replied.
The couple shared one last kiss before they took a nap on the cum-soaked couch.

Julio Jones is better than DeAndre Hopkins. Let's admit it. They are both AMAZING receivers, but Jet Jones just outrank Nuk.

(2024 Update) Maybe not anymore since Julio is on the verge of retirement.

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