A SonAmy Wedding

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Chapter 22 FINALE: A SonAmy Wedding
(A.K.A. The buildup is over and I put everything into this!)
Next Morning
The day was finally here: Sonic and Amy's wedding day.
Everything up to this point has led to this. The atmosphere surrounding the impending event was affecting everyone. Everyone and everything seemed to be in a good mood, and rightfully so.
It's been quite an adventure so far has it not?
From Sonic crashing at Amy's house during a thunderstorm, Amy wearing short shorts, the first kiss, the first date, having sex, Amy getting kidnapped, Club Rouge, the proposal, the inception of Sarah, Knuckles and Rouge's wedding, the return of Uncle Chuck and Sonic's parents, Sarah's birth, Amy getting kidnapped again, and the Rehearsal Dinner.
Whew! Quite a bit, indeed, wouldn't you say? It's all come to this right here.
So, without any further ado, here we go!
It was a peaceful dawn that faithful day as Amy watched it rise. She woke up early, tried to go back to sleep, but couldn't because she was too excited for what was to come in the looming hours. She watched the sunrise with anxious excitement.
"Today's the day." She whispered to herself.
"Yep." Sonic replied behind Amy, making her jump from being scared.
"Sonic, you scared the hell out me." Amy slightly punched his arm, then kissed him.
The two stood there in silence, watching the sunrise, hand in hand.
"Sonic, my parents will be here soon, so we should get ready." Amy whispered.
"Ok, I'll get the shower ready for us." Sonic answered.
Amy blushed.
"Sonic, you sly devil."
"What can I say?" He replied as he went to get the shower ready as he had said.
Amy sighed lovingly.
"He's one of a kind."
2 hours later, 8:30 Am
Knock Knock!
"Coming!" Amy called out.
She opened the door to reveal her parents.
"Back so soon, huh?" Amy joked, sounding a little like Sonic.
"Heh, maybe." Amanda kissed her daughter's cheek.
"Glad you're back." Sonic walked downstairs with Sarah in his arms.
"Glad to be back." Robert shook Sonic's free hand.
"We would catch up, but we all need to get ready. Our friends will be over any-"
Amy was interrupted by another knock at the door. She opened the door to reveal the group: Tails, Knuckles, Shadow, Silver, Blaze, Cream, and Rouge standing there.
"Come in. We won't be too long." Amy offered as they all walked in.
"Almost time, huh?" Knuckles said to Sonic.
"Yep." Sonic responded right before Knuckles went to talk to Robert about football.
"You girls are going to help me look amazing, right?" Amy asked.
"But of course, dear Amy. We wouldn't let you down, now would we?" Rouge answered while looking back at Blaze and Cream.
"We have your back, Amy." Blaze assured her.
"You can count on us." Cream added.
"Thanks, girls." Amy smiled.
"Sonic, everything is good to go at the church, so whenever we're ready, we can just head over." Tails explained.
"That's good to hear, Tails. The only thing we're waiting on is my parents." Sonic answered.
Then, yet another knock on the door sounded.
"That might be them." Shadow said.
Sonic opened the door to reveal his parents and Uncle Chuck standing there.
"Mom, Dad, Uncle Chuck, so glad you could make it." Sonic greeted, hugging all three of them.
"Wouldn't miss it for the world." Jules answered.
"Good. Ok, listen up, everyone, now that everybody is here, we're going to explain how we are going to do this." Sonic began. "The guys are going with me and the girls are going with Amy, obviously."
"We'll eat somewhere separately to keep the tradition of the bride and groom not seeing each other." Amy said. "Then we head to the church to get ready." She added.
"Ok then, let's roll out. Sonic said.
He walked over to Amy and kissed her.
"Until later, my love." He whispered in her ear.
"Until then, my Prince." Amy replied in a sexy tone.
Sonic shut and locked the door, as he was the last one out, once again leaving the house dead silent.
Sonic and the guys went to the Station Square Diner, while Amy and the girls went to the Palmtree Patio in Emerald Town.
2 hours later, Green Hill Zone Chapel
Everyone arrived at the church. It lied just on the outskirts of Green Hill Zone. It was a relatively old building, but was still used in scenarios such as weddings, funerals, and basic Sunday services. It was brown in color with a bell atop the structure, but it was so rusted that it would take a homing attack to get it to clang once more. That is, if it wouldn't turn to dust upon impact.
Both groups arrived to get ready. The priest, a scarlet hedgehog, was already there.
Each group went to their respective rooms to change into their wedding attire.
Shadow was wearing a tux with a white bow tie, while Silver was wearing a tux with a black bow tie. The other guys also had tuxs.
(Sonic, Tails, Knuckles' tuxes were revealed in "Tux of Truth" 2 chapters ago)
"Well, how do I look?" Sonic asked.
"Pretty spiffy, son." Jules answered.
Everyone else nodded in agreement.
"I'm going to meet the priest." Sonic walked out.
The blue blur walked out to see a few guests rolling in, as well as Eggman arriving.
"Eggman, where did you get your tux?" Sonic asked.
"Villain's Wearhouse." He answered.
Sonic walked away and approached the priest.
"Ah, you must be the Groom. My name is Parker, and I'll be your priest today." Parker shook Sonic's hand.
"Nice to meet you, I'm-"
"You need no introduction, Sonic the Hedgehog, Hero of Mobius." Parker interrupted.
"Ah, shucks, you're going to make me blush." Sonic gave an anime smile and rubbed the back of his head, doing what Goku does.
"Your welcome, so what time should we begin?" Parker asked.
"Uh, hopefully pretty soon, like in the next 20 minutes or so, because it looks like everyone we invited is here." Sonic answered.
"Sounds good to me. See you then as I must tend to a few more things, so if you'll excuse me." Parker said, walking off.
Sonic began to stroll around the church. With every passing second, he began to grow nervous. He was less than 30 minutes away from being married. He would lose the one thing he valued more than anything: his freedom.
He kinda lost a bit of that when Sarah was born, but he didn't care. Sarah was his daughter, as well as living proof of his and Amy's love, and Sonic wouldn't trade her for anything. But was he really ready to get married?
"Of course! I promised Amy I would never leave her again, and I'm going to keep that promise because I love her." Sonic said to himself.
"Sonic, who are you talking to?" Tails asked, walking up.
"Oh, uh, just mumbling to myself, bud." Sonic answered.
"Listen, Sonic, I know you're nervous about marrying Amy, but it'll be ok because you love her, and she loves you. Plus you two already have an unbreakable bond, as well as she's basically your soulmate." Tails said.
"Tails, I don't know what I would do without you, bro."

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