Sonic's Parents Part 1

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Chapter 3: Sonic's Parents, Part 1
(A.K.A. The Grown-ups are back in town part numero uno: Its only Uncle Chuck at this moment)
2 Weeks Later, Sonic and Amy's house
Sonic was watching TV while Amy was taking a nap.
Then, there was a knock at the door.
"Hmm, I wonder who that is." Sonic whispered to himself as he went to answer the door. He was stunned to see who it was.
"Hey, sonny boy."
"Uncle Chuck, is that you?" Sonic froze.
"Yea, it's me. Did you-?"
Before Chuck could finish his sentence, Sonic had clamped onto his uncle.
"I thought I would never see you again!" Sonic exclaimed with tears in his eyes.
"Come on, Sonic, don't cry, you're too old for all that." Chuck joked.
"Same old Uncle Chuck." Sonic wiped his eyes.
Amy walked downstairs.
"Sonic, what's with-?" Then she froze. "Uncle Chuck?" She ran to him and hugged him.
20 Minutes Later
"So what brings you here?" Amy asked.
"Well, Tails called me up and told me I should come see you." Chuck answered. "So why is that?"
"Well, Unc, I'm going to be a husband and father." Sonic stated.
"Who's it with?"
Sonic darted his eyes to Amy.
"Well, congrats to you both."
"Thank you." Amy smiled.
"I know a certain two who will love this."
"Who?" Sonic asked.
"Your parents."
Sonic froze.
"My... My parents." Sonic slightly stuttered. "Where are they?"
"They've been hiding until now from danger."
"But why did they give up?" Sonic asked, beginning to get mad.
"Sonic, calm down, I'm sure Uncle Chuck has a good explanation for it." Amy took Sonic's hands in hers, trying to calm him down.
Sonic sighed and pinned his ears to his head.
"Sorry, Amy, Uncle Chuck." Sonic sat back down.
"It's fine, nephew, and yes, I do have a good explanation." Chuck answered. "It all began right after you were born, Sonic."

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