Battle of Leaf Storm

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Chapter 17: Battle of Leaf Storm
(A.K.A. This man was just WAITING for a fight!)
Amy's House
"Ok, Sonic, his name is Glare, he's a former G.U.N agent that went rogue, and it says he has a shack deep in Leaf Storm." Silver explained.
"Glare, as in Glare the Hedgehog?" Robert asked, comforting his crying wife.
"You know him?" Cream asked.
"When I was working with him, I heard he was a stalker."
"Oof. Well at least we know where he is, sort of. Come on, Silver, let's go tear this man a new bottom." Sonic said, determined to save his soon-to-be wife.
"Let me go too. I owe Glare a little something." Robert stated.
"Uh, Robert, I think you should stay here." Sonic stated.
"No, my daughter is out there in the hands of an old rival of mine, and I can't rest with that, so I'm going!" Robert yelled.
"Ok then, let's go!" Silver answered, a little scared at Robert's tone.
"Be careful." Amanda kissed Robert.
"Cream, watch over Sarah. Amanda, watch over Cream." Sonic said as he and the other two guys walked toward the woods.
Spot where Amy was kidnapped, 10 minutes later
"Ok, so this is where Amy was captured by Glare, so look around for any clues that can tell us which way they went." Sonic ordered.
"Hey Sonic, I found some footprints in the mud over here." Silver pointed out.
"Let's see where they go." Robert said.
"Yea, good eye, Silver. Let's roll." Sonic said.
5 Minutes Later
The trio were just outside the shack.
"Well, here we are. What should we do?" Silver asked.
"I say we charge in there." Robert said.
"Yea, we each find our own way in." Sonic agreed. "I'll go in the front, Robert, you go in through the back, and Silver, you go in through a window."
The three went to their corresponding areas.
Sonic knocked on the door.
Glare answered and Sonic punched him in the nose, making him stagger back.
"Silver, Robert, try to find Amy, I'll handle Glare." Sonic called out as Glare had regained his composure.
"So you managed to make it here even after I shot you with one of my energy draining bullets? I'm impressed."
"I'd do anything for Amy." Sonic charged at Glare, who was ready for him this time with a kick to the gut, making Sonic lose his breath. He countered with a trip, sending Glare to the floor, in which the two hedgehogs wrestled each other.
Silver and Robert looked for Amy in every corner of the small house, but couldn't find her. That was, until Robert heard a muffled cry come from a nearby closet. He opened the closet to find his daughter bound and gagged to a chair.
"Mmph!" Amy muffled.
Robert removed the gag.
"Dad, I'm so glad you're here!" Amy cried.
"Yep. I'll have you free in just a sec. Silver, I found her!" Robert called out as he began to free Amy.
"Amy, you're ok!" Silver exclaimed.
"I am now that you guys are here." Amy answered. "Where's Sonic?"
"He's fighting Glare." Robert answered as he peeled the final strip of tape off of Amy.
"We need to help him!" Amy took off.
"Wait, Amy!" Silver and Robert yelled, running after her.
Amy arrived to see Sonic and Glare fighting.
"Sonic!" Amy yelled happily.
"Amy!" Sonic answered back, just as happy before Glare decked him from behind with a chair.
Amy grew angry and summoned her hammer.
"I've had enough of you, you double colored freak!" Amy swung her hammer, striking Glare and sending him flying out a window, landing with a thud. Silver picked Glare up with his powers.
"I'm going to turn him in." Silver said as he flew away with Glare in tow.

Amy kneed down to Sonic.
"Sonic, are you ok?" Amy asked.
"My head hurts, that's all. Are you ok?" Sonic stirred.
Amy kissed him.
"I am as long as I'm with you." Amy said as she hugged Sonic.
"What's say, you two? Should we head home?" Sonic asked, slowly getting up.
Amy and Robert both said...

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