Kidnapped Again

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Chapter 15: Kidnapped Again
(A.K.A. Ever need a damsel in distress? Look no further than your friendly neighborhood Pink Hedgehog!)
8 PM, Leaf Storm
Amy and Cream were walking back to the former's house.

Her mom left earlier.
Cream was carrying Sarah.
"So, Amy, are you excited about your wedding?" She asked.
"Of course I am. I've been looking forward to this day my entire life!" Amy exclaimed.
Then, there was a rustling in the bushes.
"EEP, what was that?" Cream asked, startled.
"I don't know, but get ready to run back to my house with Sarah." Amy commanded as she summoned her Piko Piko Hammer.
Suddenly, a purple and green hedgehog jumped out of the bushes.
"Cream, go!" Amy yelled as she got ready to battle.
The hedgehog stopped.
"Who are you?" Amy asked.
He remained silent.
"I'm not going to ask you again, who are you?"
The hedgehog stood still and silent.
"Well, if you won't talk, I guess my hammer will make you talk!"
Amy charged at the hedgehog, ready to cream him with her hammer, but as she was about to hit him, he caught the handle with one hand, pulling Amy off the ground.
"Wha?" Amy was stunned by this, but she would be more stunned by his next move.
The hedgehog then punched Amy in between her eyes, sending her flying back.

The hedgehog smirked, and pulled out a roll of tape.
"You've got to be kidding!" Amy moaned, holding her head.
The hedgehog began to tape Amy's wrists together behind her back.
"S-stop, I have a child." Amy teared up as he taped her ankles up.
"Hey, what are you doing?" A voice yelled.
It was Sonic.
"Sonic, save me!"
That was the last sentence Amy would be able to get out as a strip of tape was placed across her lips.
Sonic growled at this.
"Listen, pal, if you don't untie my girlfriend in the next 5 seconds, I'll-augh!"
Sonic suddenly felt all of the energy in his body drain as he fell to his knees.

The hedgehog had shot Sonic with some sort of dart.
"N-no, Amy..." was all Sonic could muster as he passed out.
Amy let out a horrified muffled scream as the hedgehog picked her up and walked away.
Ok, so now chapters will sometimes be uploaded on Saturdays. Not every Saturday, but some. Here's the next turning point in the story. Also, if I'm not mistaken, there are only 7 chapters remaining in "Violet Rose" so be aware of that. See you all in Chapter 16 tomorrow!

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