First Nights of Parenthood

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Chapter 10: First Nights of Parenthood
(A.K.A. You don't sleep with a newborn in da house)
A few nights later, 2 AM, Sonic and Amy's house
As with any newborn baby, no parent is able to get a good night's rest for a little while.
Sonic and Amy were no exception.
"Sonic, it's your turn to check on Sarah." Amy groaned, sleep deprived.
"But I checked last time." Sonic mumbled.
"Please, Sonic?"
"Ok, but only because I love you." Sonic got up to check up on Sarah.
"Hey, baby girl, what's wrong?" Sonic asked, picking up the crying baby. He did any necessary things and sat in the newly purchased rocking chair.
"I think Daddy will sleep in here with you tonight, Sarah." Sonic yawned and placed a non-crying Sarah back into her crib. Then he proceeded to fall asleep in the rocking chair.
"I'm sure Amy will appreciate this." Sonic whispered before he fell asleep.

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