Hellos and Goodbyes

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Hey, Readers! Ever since I've started school, I've been so antsy to type again!!!! I was caught writing more stuff for this  story! I finally was able to get a computer, so I'm typing as fast as the wind! God, have I missed this computer! XD Anyhoo, here's Chapter 3, ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >.< >.<


Lucy P.O.V.

I woke up the next morning when the sun was directly in my face. I groaned and sat up straight. I looked around, making sure Natsu picked up after himself, which he did.  I looked to my left to see my mirror. I gazed into it and looked at my new blue eyes. I sighed and thought to my self, Lucy, your world is about to change.  I noticed a letter on my bed and picked it up with curiosity. It was made of smooth gold paper and tickled my finger tips. I carefully opened it, trying not to ruin the beautiful envelope. When I finally opened it, a silver piece of folded paper fell out. I unfolded it and began to read it outloud :

           To our dear Lucy,

We know that you are confused right now and are asking a lot of questions, but let us reassure you this : we are safe. We did not get destroyed, we just simply...had to go.  But remember, just because we are not with you physicallt, doesn't mean we're not with you spiritually. You will always be our only key holder. Remember this always. We love you, Lucy, but it is not time to say goodbye, but also hello.


Virgo, Aquaris, Cancer, Capricorn, Aries, Leo (Loki), Scorpio, Gemini, Sagittarious, Taurus, Crux, Lyra, Plue, and Horologium

Tears began to stream down my face as I finished reading the letter. I missed them so much ; they were my family. And they will always be my family. I wiped away my tears and smiled brightly. "Goodbye, my family."

After getting dressed into my blue and white mini skirt and my lacey blue and white top, I walked over to Fairy Tail. Suddenly, I see Natsu by the river, soaking his feet. I smile. "Natsu!" I call out.

He turns to my side and smiles. "Lucy! Come over here!" I nod and start running to his side. I sit down on the soft green grass and sigh. "How are you feeling?" He asks me.

I sighed again. "Better than yesterday. But I have to accept my fate. It's something the spirits would've wanted."

"That's a brilliant idea." Natsu says with a smile. I smile back. I suddenly come up with a crazy idea. I jumped into the water, feeling its cold body on mine. "Are you crazy!" Natsu yells.

"Well, I am a Water Dragon Slayer. Shouldn't I be in my 'natural habitiat'." I said with a wink. 

Natsu groans. "How does it feel?" 

"It feels....Amazing! I feel like I'm...in peace!" I squeal. I start to dance in the water like a fool, but I didn't care. Natsu laughs like a fool as well. Hear Natsu's laugh makes me smile, almost making me blush. Suddenly, Natsu grabs me by the collar and lifts me up in the air. "W-what are you doing?" I ask him, shivering from the cold.

"Since your a newbie, you have to start training immediatley." Natsu tells me.

"I am not a newbie! I practically know everything about Dragon Slayers because of you!" I pointed out.

"I haven't told you everything." Natsu admitted.

I looked at him blankly. What do you mean you haven't told me everything, I thought to myself. I began to squirm free, but Natsu had a tight grip. "Let me go!"

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