More Training

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Hey, Readers! Expect alot more chapters being updated! I keep having so many ideas at the same time I yell them outloud in class! XD Anyhoo, here's chapter 5! Enjoy!!!!!!!!! >.<


Lucy P.O.V

When I woke up the next morning, I see that Natsu and Happy were gone. I see a note on my side of the blankets and start to read it.

Hey Lucy! You must've been really sleepy, 'cuz you wouldn't wake up when we told you to! We're at the guide if you need us!

-Natsu and Happy

I smiled at the letter, feeling happy that they cared about me. I looked around to see it quite lonley, so I cleaned up the mess I made last night and headed back to my apartment. When I got there, I took a nice hot shower. I thought about what I did last night, and my whole body turned a bright shade of pink. I can't believe that I went to Natsu's house in the middle of the night just because I had a nightmare! It was too embarrassing! But when Natsu listened to me the whole night, I felt calm and merry. I never knew until now how Natsu was such a good listener. Maybe I was falling in love with him, I thought to my self. I got out of the shower and wore a blue and white sundress, since it was a cloudless day today. After I stepped out of my apartment, I started to skip to Fairy Tail. When I began  to cross the river, I decided to test out my Water Magic. I took a few deep breathes and raised my hands. Little water bubbles arose from the river, and I gasped in amazement. I still wasn't use to my new magic, but this just looked too beautiful. I spun my hands around, and the bubbles began to spin as well. As the water spun around, the sun appeared, making them sparkle. I smiled, but suddenly lost my balance and fell into the river. Usually, I would've been angry and fustrated. But now, I felt refreshed in my natural element.

When I arrived at Fairy Tail, the first thing I saw was a snow ball in my face. I wiped my face to see Natsu and Gray fighting. Again. "What's the big idea!" I growl.

"Sorry! It's this fire head's fault." Gray apologized.

"What do you mean my fault! I don't control the snow!" Natsu growled. They continued to fight. I sighed in frustration and walked over to the table where Levy, Erza, Wendy, and Juvia were. "Hey, guys." I greeted.

"Hey!' They greeted back.

"Lu-chan, what's wrong?" Levy asked me, seeing my face all happy, yet sad at the same time.

"I've been doing a little thinking." I told them.

"About your new magic?" Wendy asked.

"No, not that." I told them.

"About Gray-sama." Juvia said, her eyes showing fierce anger.

"N-No, not that either." I assured her.

"Then what?" Erza asked. I sighed and was silent for a moment. I could still hear Gray and Natsu bickering, as well as everyone else in the guide. "I think....I'm in love." I confessed.

"Really! With who!" They all exclaimed.

"Sh!" I shushed them. "Not too loud!"

"Who do you love?" Levy asked eagerly.

"...Do you promise not to tell." I said.

"We promise!" They all said in unison.

I sighed and confessed my feelings. "It's Natsu."

A Dragon's Burning Love [ Fairy Tail NaLu Fan Fiction &lt;3 &lt;3]Where stories live. Discover now