A Fake Life

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Hey, Readers!!!! I really hope your liking this! I've gotten replies from some of my fav wattpad authors, and I feel so giddy!!!!!! Anyhoo, here's Chapter 9, Enjoy!!!!!


Lucy P.O.V

Although everyone was healed, the doctors wanted to keep them over night. When we got back from the Library, we told them everything we learned, which struck fear into everyone's heart. While they slept on their beds, sleeping the night away, Natsu went to get some soda, and I sat on the couch, figuring out what else it could do. So far, I've learned how to make the perfect pie, how to make your sweat not smell (Very useful), and why can't we read minds. Although some were useful, I wondered if it could tell me about my life. "I wish to see my biography." I said to it. The book began to shine as usual, but when it dimmed out, something else appeared. Instead of seeing my name, it said, "Biography of Atsuko Chouko,

"What the?" I said, very puzzled. I closed the book and tried again. "I wish to see my biography." It shined again, but it still said the same thing. "Who is this Atsuko Chouko?" I wondered. Instead of closing the book and trying again, I decided to find out who was this mysterious girl. I began to read :

Born in Hinamizawa, [ A/N Yeah, yeah I know. I got it from those scary as shit Higurashi mangas, but I liked the name of the village, so don't hate :P] Atsuko Chouko was the daughter of Yuki and Kazehaya Chouko and the little sister of Isamu Chouko. Atsuko's mother was secretley the ancient Water Dragon, a powerful dragon that had the same level of power as the Fire Dragon, Igneel. During most of her childhood, Atsuko was loved by all for her beauty, her child-like behavior, and her kindness. But sometime at the age of  five, she found out her mother's devestating secret. But instead of keeping it a secret, she ran to her father, which when he found out this secret, turned his life around. He was drivin mad, realizing that he had made love to a ferocious beast. He gathered the village and suggested that they kill not only the mother, but Atsuko as well, because she had some dragon DNA. Atsuko  and her mother left the village, fearing their lives for the worst. Her mother took Atsuko to a friend of hers that lived in a giant estate. The mother told her friend, "Please, raise my daughter. Let me leave her in this safe haven." Her friend agreed. The mother looked at Atsuko and told her, "I love you, Atsuko-chan. I will always love you, no matter how hurt you get." She kissed Atsuko's forehead, and Atsuko started to cry. "Okaa-san, don't leave!" She cried. The mother knew that Atsuko would never leave her side, so she had to do the thing that most mothers would never do. She had to erase Atsuko's memories. But before she did, she took Atsuko's blue ribbon and wrote something on it. She gave it to her and casted the spell to erase her memories. Atsuko fainted, and her friend caught her. "Are you sure you want to do this?" She asked.

"I have to." Yuki said sadly. And with that, Yuki transformed into the ancient Water Dragon and flew into the white moon. Her friend looked at Atsuko and said, "Until your mother comes back, your name will be-"

When I read Atsuko's real name, I gasped. Tears began to fall down my face. This...is wrong...It has to be!  I screamed in my head. I looked over at the name again and again, hoping that I was mis-reading things. But it still read the same thing : 

Lucy Heartfila.

I becan to cry and scream. I threw the book at the ground and cried outloud. Natsu came running in, who must've heard my screams. "Lucy, what's wrong?" He asked me frantically.

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