Shocking Truths and Tearful Reunions

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Hey, Readers!!!!! I know, big shocker, right! That was the big surprise!!! But she's not the same Lisanna like in the show, no no no! Anyhoo, here's Chapter 10, Enjoy!!!!!!!!


Natsu P.O.V

Lisanna. Right in front of me. Was I dreaming? Was this just some crazy illusion? Lisanna ran up to me and gave me a bear hug, just like what we use to do when we were kids. "Wow, Natsu. Have you gained more muscle the last time I saw you?" Lisanna asked.

I didn't know what to say. My first love had resurrected from the dead, yet she acted like she's been gone for a week. The only word I could say was, "How?"

"How? That's simple : I never died." Lisanna explained.

"If you weren't dead, then how come you've been gone for seven years!" I yelled, my emotions running wild.

"It's.......hard to explain." She said silently.

"I think not only I, but your brother and sister would like to hear an explanation." I hissed, pointing to the crying Mirajane and the grimm looking Elfman.

"Fine. Instead of dying, I was in a coma. For seven years." Lisanna said quietly, on the verge to tears.

"But you my arms." Mirajane whispered, her face becoming more pale than usual.

"Before I went into my coma,a doctor from afar transported me to the hospital. Or atleast, I think it was him." Lisanna whispered.

"You guys shouldn't be harsh on her." Lucy defended. "She's just awaken from a coma! Do you have any idea how hard that is."

I looked at Lucy, was in full concern for Lisanna. I sighed and looked at Lisanna. She still had that cute child like face. "Well," I sighed, "welcome back." 

She smiled and jumped on top of me. "Yay!" Everyone everyone crowded us, trying to give Lisanna a hug. I smiled and laughed at people's jokes and remarks about Lisanna. I turn to see Lucy walking out the door. "Um, can you excuse me for a moment?" I asked.

"Don't be long!" Lisanna called out. I ran through the enormous crowd , trying to get to Lucy. When I step outside, I see Lucy sitting under a giant oak tree, looking up at the stars. I smiled and walked over to her. "The party is just about to start." I told her.

"I'll be in there soon. I just needed time to think." She told me.

"About?" I asked.

"Lisanna's story." She admitted. "That story is....."

"Is?" I asked again, wondering what she's about to say.

"Impossible." She told me. "That story has so many holes in it. Something inside is telling me that she's lying."

"Lisanna wouldn't lie." I told her.

"People can change." She told me. She looked down, her eyes blank and emotionless. I put my arm around her, and she sets her head on my shoulder. "You should go in and have some fun. I'll be alright by myself." She told me.

"Are you sure?" I asked her with concern.

"Yeah. I just a little time to think. I'll be there in a few." She told me with a smile. I didn't believe her smile, but I also didn't want to worry her as well. I nodded and stood up, brushing the green grass off my black shorts. "If you're not inside in ten minutes, I'm coming back out." I told her.

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