When a Fantasy Turns Into a Reality

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Hey, Readers! Secretley writing without anyone notices, >.>  <.< Anyhoo, here's Chapter 6, Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!! >.<


Natsu P.O.V

Lucy, still freaked out from her nightmare, was still in my arms, shivering like a new born kitten. Her face was wet with tears, and her eyes were filled with tears. It was just Lucy, Levy, Master, Wendy, and me, trying to figure out what just happened. "It felt so real." Lucy whispered, squeezing my hand tightly.

"What exactly did you dream about?" I asked her.

But all she did was shake her head. "To horrible to re tell."

Master sighed. "Well whatever it was, it scared you to the point you were screaming in your sleep."

"Maybe it was just a curse." Levy thought.

"I would've sensed it right away." Wendy told her. We were all stuck, not sure what to do. I looked back at Lucy, who still had fear in her face. "Lucy, you have to tell us what happened. It's the only way we can help you." I told her.

She was silent at first, but then she said one word. "Gods."

"What?" Master asked, suddenly getting Lucy's attention.

"Six gods, planning for war with the dragons. They plan to kill every dragon and Dragon Slayer. They told me to watch for the signs." Lucy's voice quivered.

"What signs?" Wendy.

"Pain, grief, regret, love, anger, and betrayal. Those signs will happen soon. After each sign is shown, a god will appear." Lucy's voice began to crack.

"But why were screaming 'make it stop'?" I asked her.

"Bodies. So much bodies. Blood everywhere. The only thing I could smell was blood." That must've been horrifying. I held her tightly, and her body adjusted to it. "What about 'I'm sorry'? You kept screaming that too." I reminded her.

She broke out in tears. "Everyone started yelling at me, saying that I should've never been born; an existence that would destroy the world." This got me angry. Whoever gave her this dream was obviously trying to mess with her, trying to make her regret her existence. "Everyone's glad that you were born, Lucy. Be proud of that." I whispered. She nodded and held my hand tight. I looked over at Master, who was very pale. "Gramps, you alright?" I asked him.

He jolted up. "Oh yes, I'm alright. I'm just thinking." That never sounded good. "I think we should leave Lucy to rest. Do you think you'll be able to do the job tomorrow?" He asked Lucy.

She nodded. "I won't back down."

I smiled at her and rested her head on the pillow. "Are you sure you can sleep alone?"

Her face blushed brightly. "I-I'm a big girl! I can take care of myself!" She went under the covers and covered her head, probably pretending to sleep. I laughed outloud. This was the Lucy that I knew; the Lucy that I missed.

Lucy P.O.V.

Luckily, I didn't have the same nightmare like last time. But I still had that chilling feeling that something was stalking my mind. Every five minutes, I would wake up, making sure no one was in the same room. When I was finally able to get some sleep, an alarm in the infermary went off. I sat up straight, scared out my mind, until I realized it was just the clock alarm (why did they have an alarm in an infermary, I didn't know). I looked at the clock to see that it was already ten a.m. I groaned and got out of the infermary bed. I looked at myself in the mirror to see my hair all over the place. I didn't have a comb, so I to put my hairin a pony tail. I groaned again and headed out the door. I see that Natsu, Wendy, Carla, Happy and Gajeel are already here, drinking a cup of coffee. "Good Morning." I yawned.

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