A Tragic Lost

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Hey, Readers! I can't believe my one fan-fiction has reached over 700 views! That's quite a lot, if I don't say. :{) Thanks for all the people who fanned me, voted for me, added their books into their library, even those who just took a little peak at my story, THANK YOU!!!!! Anyhoo, here's Chapter 16, ENJOY!!!!!! <3


Lucy P.O.V

I woke up to the sun light gently on my face. It felt so warm and gentle that I didn't want to get up, but it was too late to go back to sleep. I sat up, and i suddenly felt a deep cold feeling all over my chest. Why am I so cold? I thought to myself. But when I looked down to see that I wasn't wearing a shirt. Or pants. I quickly covered myself and began to panic. Why am I naked! I screamed in my head. But then I look to my left to see Natsu shirtless. I blueshed a solid red and slowly peeked under the sheet. He wasn't wearing pants either. What happened! I thought in my head. But then the memory of last night began to flood my head. I remembered the kisses, the touching, the passion, the pain. Natsu and I had....I don't want to say that word, so what was another word for it. Making Love? No, I didn't like the sound of that.

We became one.

Those were the perfect words. The words that expressed our love. Something not even him and Lisanna hadn't done. I smiled at the thought, and decided to rest a little more. Suddenly, Natsu grabbed me and dragged me down to him "Good morning." He whispered in my ear.

"Good morning." I smiled. He held me tightly, and I just rested on his muscular arm. "Last night was amazing." He said.

"It sure was." I sighed.  Natsu moves me so that I'm facing him, and he kisses my softly. I kiss him back, loving the feeling of just being with him.  He moves from my lips to my neck, his warm lips bringing satisfaction. "Natsu." I whispered. I look up and see the clock. It read two o'clock. I swooped up, nocking Natsu up. "Why are you getting up?" Natsu asked.

"Because it's already the afternoon! We shouldn't be staying in bed!" I exclaimed, grabbing my clothes off the ground.

"Aw, why not?" He pouted.

"Because!" I exclaimed. I ran to the bathroom and changed my clothes quickly.  Instead of wearing one of my old kimonos, I decided to wear my blue and black mini skirt with my "I Love <3" shirt. When I got out of the bathroom, I see that Natsu was already changed into his usual black shorts, black vest, and white scarf given to him by Igneel. I go over to the mirror to do my hair, when Natsu wraps his arms around my waist. "Why even bother. You look beautiful either way." He sighed.

"Well of course you think that. You are my boyfriend, you're suppose to think that." I chuckled. As I brushed my hair, he continued on where we left off by continuing to kiss my neck. "Natsu.." I moaned, melting into his kisses. "We can't..."

He stopped, and gave me a mischevious smile. "Then I'll continue when you least expect it." I don't like the sound of that, I thought ot myself. After finally finishing my hair, we head out to see everything in a rush. Everyone was running everywhere, carrying decorations of all sorts. "What's going on?" I asked.

Asuna, who was carrying so much cloth that it wasn't even funny, looked over at me and exclaimed, "You're finally awake! Come on and help us!"

"Not until you tell us what's going on!" I exclaimed back.

"Tonight is one of the biggest festivals of the year! We're all getting ready, but we need some people to decorate the lake area." Asuna informed us.

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