Adjusting to the New

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Hey readers! I think it's kind of funny how when I was writing my other book, The Forbidden, I only gained up to fourteen fans. But with this story, I climbed up to twenty one fans! I feel so loved! :') Anyhoo, here's Chapter 14, ENJOY!!!!!! <3 <3 <3


Lucy P.O.V

After Isamu tended my wounds, I put on a blue and white stripped kimono and decided to take a little stroll around the town. It was very old fashioned, which made it kind of cute. Little kids played with a bouncy ball instead of using magical toys, the women were talking to each other instead of through telepathy, and the old men were out fishing on the decks. I had to admit, it was kind of lonely. As I walked, I bumped into a girl my age and fell on the ground. "I'm so sorry!" She apologized.

"Nah, it's alright." I assured her with a smile. But when I looked up, there was something familiar about her face. She had a blue eye on her right, and a hazel eye on her left. She had long auburn hair and looked very thin. She wore a pink and purple flowered kimono. Them, a memory flicked inside my head. It was of me and a young girl who looked just like her, playing with our dolls. We giggled and laughed together, as if we were best friends. I remembered her name and said it outloud. "Asuna?" I asked her.

"Yeah, that's me. Who're you?" She asked me.

Excitement filled my body and I smiled wide. "Asuna, it's me, Atsuko!"

Her eyes went wide for a minute, and then they were filled with tears. "Atsuko?" She fell to her knees and hugged me tightly. "Where have you been!"

"Gone." That was all I could say. I've repeated my story a million times, so I could tell her later. "I've missed you so much."

"As did I! I thought that you were..." She said, not finishing that last word.

"Everyone thought I was." I patted her head, and she smiled.

"Come on! We have to tell the others!" Asuna said. She pulled me off the ground and we suddenly began to run. Others? There were more, I thought to myself. Then it hit me. Asuna wasn't the only one I hung out with, but two more as well. Two other boys, if I recall. We ran all the way to the creek to see two boys skipping rocks. One was tall, slim, tan and had dark blue hair. He wore jeans and a blue sweater. The other one was a cream colored, blonde boy who wore traditional Hinamizawa clothing. "Hey guys, look who I found!" Asuna called out.

The boys turned around and gazed at me with surprise. We finally stopped running and I began to gasp for air. "Asuna! you know I can't run that fast!" I exclaimed.

"You're still the same as ever." Asuna sighed.

"Is this...." The blue haired boy gasped.

"It couldn't be.." The blonde one gasped as well.

I looked at them closley, and their names popped into my mind, as if by magic. "Kirito?" I said, pointing to the blue haired boy. "Chiaki?" I pointed to the blonde haired boy.

The boys smiled brightly and suddenly gave me a big bear hug. "She's alive! The bug is alive!"

"I am not a bug!" I growled, remebering them calling me a bug.

"Yep, It's Atsuko alright." Kirito laughed.

"We've missed you so much!" Chiaki said, almost in tears.

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