Goodbye Forever?

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When I woke up in the middle of the night, the first thing I saw was an arangement of flowers all around me. I slowly sat up straight on my infirmary bed, the pain striking me. I looked over to my right to see Levy sleeping on the chair. It would normally be Natsu to be sleeping on that chair, I thought to my self with sorrow. A flashback of everything that happened last night appeared in my head, and my heart ached. It was all over. I hear a groan and see that Levy is waking up. When she notices me, tears begin to swell up her eyes. "Lucy!" She exclaimed. She ran up to me and gave me a hug. Ignoring the pain all over my body, I hugged her back. "I thought you were dead." She whispered.

"Me? Dead? Don't you know I'm a strong girl." I joked, showing her my lack of muscle. She giggled, and I giggled as well. I haven't laughed liked this in a while. "You wait right here! I'm going to get the others." She informed me. I nodded, and she left me alone in the infirmary. I could hear her yelling about my recovery, and I laughed. I looked at the bouquets of flowers, reading each note. There was one from Mirajane and Elfman, wishing me good health. Another from Gajeel and Levy (Aw!), wishing that I get well soon. After reading them, I sighed and leaned back. But there was one bouquet that I missed; one that I stood out compared to the others. I looked at them hard to see that they were larkspurs. My heart was in agony when I realizing who they were from.


Suddenly, the doors flew open, and almost everyone in Fairy Tail rushing inside. They were all hugging me, crying for my good health, and so much more. "Your alive!" Ezra exclaimed.

"Oh God. We thought we lost you!" Wendy cried.

"We're glad that you're safe." Gray smiled.

"Don't do that to us again, bunny girl!" Gajeel scorned.

"Why are you guys acting like I just resurrected!" I asked, feeling a little uncomfortable. "I was only out cold for a day, right?"

Everyone was silent for a minute. Some coughed, some whistled. But it was Levy who spoke out. "You've been unconscience for three weeks."

Three weeks! That's impossible! The fight only happened last night! I looked at them stunned. "Three weeks!" I blurted out.

Wendy nodded. "Your injuries were very fatal. It took me two weeks to heal most of you, but then something kept you from waking up." I couldn't process what was happening. I looked to my right to see that I had been out for three weeks. I took a deep breathe and said, "Um, can I please have some alone time? But I want Levy to stay." They all nodded and left except for Levy. She took my hand and asked, "Is there something wrong?"

I was silent for a minute, and then I asked, "How's Natsu been doing?"

Levy looked at me flabbergasted, but then said, "He's still dating Lisanna. They've been inseparable."

I nodded and looked down on my sheet. I tried to fight off tears, but they were too strong for me. Tears began to stream down my cheeks. Levy wiped them off and said, "If it makes you feel better, I  slapped his face."

I smiled a little, but not alot. "Thanks."

"I'll let you rest. I have to meet Gajeel somewhere." She said.

"Are you together?" I asked, giving her a playful look.

"......Maybe." She blushed. I laughed and shooed her away. I was now alone in the infirmary. I got bored, so I began to write a list about people. So far, I had :

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