The Story of the Six Gods

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Hey, Readers!! While I was planning the next couple chapters, I thought of something so brilliant, so shocking, something that'll make you gasp!!! But the problem is that I can't tell you what it is ;). You'll just have to be patient and enjoy. Here's Chapter 8, Enjoy!!!!!!!


Lucy P.O.V

All of us were at the Cilorthia Hospital, waiting for their conditions. I prayed, hoping that they were all alright. Natsu held my hand, which gave me a little more comfort. The doctor who was treating Wendy and the others appeared, and we stood up from our chairs. "How are they?" Natsu asked.

"The little girl was the first to awaken, and she insisted that she heals the others on her own." The doctor informed us. I sighed with relief. If Wendy was alright, then the others would be alright as well, I thought. "May we see them?" I asked polietley.

"Of course." The doctor said with a gentle smile. He told us that the room was 20034. We searched until we heard a loud, "Be a little more gentle!" I knew that gruff and husky voice from anywhere. We walked into the room to see Wendy healing everyone. Gajeel looked like he had the most wounds, but the Exceeds looked like they were in a little pain as well. "You're alright!" I exclaimed with relief, hugging Wendy.

"Sorry we couldn't get there sooner." Natsu apoligized.

"At least you were able to defeat him. He was the cause of all the changes. Everything is back to normal." Wendy said using her adorable smile.

"What took you guys so long, anyways?" Carla asked.

"Yeah! While we were fighting, what were you doing!" Gajeel yelled. My face began to burn up. I looked over at Natsu, and his face was a little red too. Happy suddenly gasped and exclaimed, "Something happened between you two!"

"What do you mean?" Pantherlily asked, not getting it.

"Something romantic. Am I right Natsu?" Happy asked with a mischevious smile.

Natsu's face turned to an even brighter shade of red. "Maybe."

"We kind of.....kissed." I confessed.

"Eh!?!?!" Everyone gasped. I giggled awkwardly, and Natsu held my hand tightly. Wendy squealed with excitment. "Wow, Lucy! You finally had your first kiss!" Wendy said, revealing my secret that I've never been kissed.

"W-Wendy! That was our secret!" I said.

"Woah, that was your first kiss?" Natsu asked, blushing a little more. Blushing like crazy,  I nodded slowly. 

"Aw. Isn't that just adorable." Carla sighed.

"I feel sick." Gajeel grumbled.

"C-C-Can we please change the subject." I begged.

"I agree!" Natsu exclaimed.

"Fine, fine. Let's talk about that god." Wendy suggested. My mind flashed to the God of Love. He was very strong, sure, but luckily we were able to defeat him. "He was one of them." I told them.

"One of what?" Natsu asked.

"The six gods in my dream. He was the our first test." I said grimmly.

"But how did he appear anyway?" Happy asked.

"He appears when strong love is awakened. In otherwords, Natsu and Lucy's love for eachother." Carla explained. Yes, I guess because of our love that he appeared, I thought guiltly. Natsu must've noticed my emotions, because he held my hand even tighter. "But what do these gods want?" Gajeel asked.

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